
Creating campaigns

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Creating campaigns


Campaign management is organized in a three-level structure:
  • Advertiser - the client (brand) whose ads are served
  • Campaign - typically represents an advertised product; a campaign consists of one or multiple insertions
  • Insertion - includes one or multiple creatives as well as all the delivery settings (time frame, placements, targeting etc.)
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    Creating a campaign

    To create a new campaign, go to Campaigns > Campaign list.

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    Click on the New Campaign button located in the top-right corner to open the New campaign window.

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    In step 1:
    • select from Direct, Programmatic GuaranteedRTB, Video Ad Exchange or Meditation.

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    In step 2:
    • define a Name
    • define the Start and end date - the time frame should cover all the time frames of the insertions in this campaign
    • choose from:
      • Select advertiser to select an existing advertiser
      • Create advertiser to create a new advertiser (advertisers can also be created under Administration > Advertisers); define the Name, User group (more details in User management) and - optionally - the Agency/Agencies the advertiser is associated with (agencies can be created under Administration > Agencies
    • select the Agency associated with this campaign or select Direct advertiser if there is no agency involved
    • click Create
    • if needed, adjust additional settings by editing the campaign, using the context menu in the campaign list (see "Context menu" / "Editing a campaign" below)

    Campaign list

    Filters and search options

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    The campaign list shows the campaigns in your network with various KPIs.
    • Tabs (read related chapter "Time column" below): 
      • All – all campaigns, regardless of their start/end date/time
      • Upcoming – campaigns with start date/time in the future
      • Current – campaigns that are currently activated; i. e. start date/time in the past and end date/time in the future
      • Ended – campaigns with end date/time in the past
    • Search – search for campaigns or advertisers
    • Filters
      • Advertiser – campaigns of a specific advertiser only
      • Agency – campaigns of a specific agency only
      • Channel – campaigns of a specific monetization channel only (Direct, RTB, Mediation, Programmatic Guaranteed, Video Ad Exchange)
      • Status – Active vs. Archived; a campaign is archived 365 days after the latest contained insertion reached its end date; the campaign status remains Archived permanently - even if the campaign end date is extended and one of its insertions is put online again and delivers impressions; an insertion is archived 180 days after it reached its end date
      • Traffic manager – campaigns matching the selected traffic manager(s)

    Time column

    The following table explains the behavior when you sort the Time column in ascending order () on each of the available Tabs:
    TabBehavior when "Time" column is sorted  
    AllCampaigns that started/ended most recently or will end/start soonest are shown on top of the campaign list
    UpcomingCampaigns starting soonest are shown on top of the campaign list
    CurrentCampaigns ending soonest are shown on top of the campaign list
    EndedCampaigns that ended most recently are shown on top of the campaign list

    Customizing the campaign list

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    You can customize the campaign list as follows:
    • Hide/Display columns - using the selector shown in the screenshot above, you can hide/display columns (Name, Advertiser, Impressions, Clicks, Viewability rate, Revenue etc.)
    • Pin columns - hover over a column name and click the pin icon. The pinned column will then move to the left. 
    • Rearrange columns - hover over a column header and drag and drop it to the desired location.
    • Adapt column width - drag and drop the vertical lines between columns to change the column width

    Context menu

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    In the campaign list, hold your mouse over a campaign and select the "..." context menu to show these options:
    • Edit campaign (see next chapter below)
    • Copy campaign
    • Delete campaign
    • link to Instant Insights, where the campaign will be set as a filter
    • link to Instant Report Builder, where the campaign will be set as a filter

    Editing a campaign

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    To edit the campaign, click Edit from the "..." context menu.
    • define a Name
    • define the Start and end date - the time frame should cover all the time frames of the insertions in this campaign
    • select the Agency associated with this campaign or select Direct advertiser if there is no agency involved
    • define a Salesperson and a Traffic manager
    • define an External ID and/or an External description; for instance, if this campaign's data are synchronized with a third party system, this field can be used to indicate the campaign's ID in the external system
    • set the Booking status (see "Booking status" below) 
    • set a Frequency capping (for a general description of frequency capping, read chapter "Frequency capping" in Insertions: General settings and Delivery):
      • Campaign lifetime — determines the max. number of impressions per user over the entire campaign lifetime
      • Session — determines the max. number of impressions per session; a session starts with the first time this campaign is displayed to a user and ends 30 minutes later (without any refresh); Note that sessions are site specific: a user’s visit of another site (where this campaign is running) is considered as a new session and the session capping is applied again; therefore, even if the capping limit is reached on a website before the session ends, the campaign is eligible to be shown on another site, since the visit of the other site counts as a new session

    Booking status
    The Booking status determines:
    • if the campaign's insertions will start delivery on their scheduled start date/time and
    • if their volumes are taken into account in the forecast calculations:
    Booking statusUsageInsertion delivery startForecast calculations
    DraftFor campaign drafts.will never start delivery not taken into account
    PrebookedFor campaigns pending the final signature of the purchase order.will never start deliverynot taken into account
    BookedFor campaigns with a signed purchase order but missing items (e. g. pending creative assets/codes).will never start delivery taken into account
    SoldFor campaigns ready to deliver. Mandatory to be able to put insertions online.will start delivery on the scheduled date/timetaken into account
    CanceledFor planned campaigns that were canceled.will never start delivery not taken into account

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