
Insertions: General settings and Delivery

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Insertions: General settings and Delivery


In the General settings and Delivery sections of an insertion, you define its general data and the options that determine how it delivers its target(s).

General settings

Before you start creating an insertion, create an advertiser and a campaign as explained in Creating campaigns.

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In the General settings section of an insertion, you define its main criteria.

  • Name - name of the insertion (will be displayed in reports)
  • Ad type - select the impression type and the environment Web or App (apps using Equativ's Android/iOS SDK); the environment selection is not possible in case of the In-stream video and Audio impression types; the selection made here impacts the creative script template and the placements available for selection; available impression types:
    • Display - ads on desktop/mobile websites
    • In-stream video - video ads embedded in a video stream (e. g. prerolls)
    • Native - ads with the same look and feel as the publisher site, often in-feed
    • Out-stream video - video ads on desktop or mobile websites outside of a video stream (e. g. Video-Read)
    • Audio - audio ads
  • Cost data
    • Currency - the network's currency (default) or a custom currency selected manually. Note that financial reports are still done in the network's currency only. A custom currency is incompatible with eCPM priority. If both are selected, saving the insertion will result in an error. 
    • Rate type - pricing model of this insertion that will be the basis for financial reports: CPM, CPC, Flat fee, CPE (cost per event); in case of CPE, first select CPE, followed by the actual event such as Downloads or a social media event (e. g. Likes); the events available for selection here depend on the Ad type selected above; note that the Cost type is independent from the volume type of the insertion; for instance, you can select the Cost type CPC but define an impression volume: the financial reporting will then be based on the number of clicks but the delivery of the insertion will be based on impressions; for more details about volumes, see "Volume/Event volume" below
    • Rate - price in the selected currency
    • Discount (optional) - discount in percent 
    • Net rate - price after deduction of the discount
  • Additional information
    • Insertion type - assign a type to the insertion to use it as a dimension in reports. Click on the pencil icon to add/edit the available insertion types. Note: some insertion types are available by default and cannot be edited
    • External ID - assign a numeric ID to the insertion (e. g. the ID this insertion has in a third party system)
    • External description - assign an alphanumeric description to the insertion (e. g. the description this insertion has in a third party system) 
Whenever you make a change in any field of the insertion, the message You have unsaved changes is shown at the top of the page until you click on Save or Save and put online.
Insertion notes
Click on the "T" icon at the top to attach notes to an insertion, for instance to remind yourself about something or to leave a message for a colleague.
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  • Start and end date / Start and end time / Time zone - fill in the appropriate information; note that insertions are set to status "Archived" 180 days after they ended; read about the Add time frame option in section "Time frames" below
  • Priority - assign a priority to give this insertion a higher or lower priority compared to other insertions; more details in Insertion priorities
  • Volume/Event volume - define the desired volume(s); more details in Insertion priorities
  • Frequency capping - see section "Frequency capping" below
  • Delivery mode
    • Paced - the insertion will be paced depending on the delivery criteria and available traffic to ensure balanced delivery.
    • As soon as possible - the insertion will be delivered continuously until either the end date or the maximum volume is reached.
  • Personalized Ad - see section "Targeting insertions to positive TCF consent (Personalized Ad)"

Time frames


Click on Add time frame to limit the insertion's delivery to specific timeframes and/or weekdays and/or day times.

An insertion runs over the next 2 months; in the first month, delivery should be limited to Monday through Friday, while it should deliver permanently in the second month. To set up this example:

  • click Add time frame 
  • for Period, select the first month of the insertion
  • for Every select Monday through Friday
  • click Add
  • repeat the process, selecting the second month of the insertion and leaving all weekdays selected

Frequency capping

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Frequency capping limits the number of impressions served for each unique user during a specified time frame.
For frequency capping to work, users must be identified as recurring users.

The following example illustrates the role of user identification for the proper functioning of frequency capping:
  • insertion "myInsertion" is running on website and has a frequency capping of "1 impression per 1 day"
  • user X visits twice on a given day
  • to enforce the specified frequency capping, Equativ must serve "myInsertion" to user X no more often than once on the given day: either on the first visit or on the second visit, but not on both visits
  • => for the frequency capping to work, Equativ must be able to determine that both of the two visits are from the same user: user X must be identified as the same, recurring user

User identification methods
The method for user identification depends on the device type, environment and privacy settings/requirements. Here are some user identification methods that Equativ is able to leverage for frequency capping:
  • in (mobile) web browsers, storing a user ID in Equativ's "pid" cookie and reading it from there - if the browser's privacy settings allow it
  • in (mobile) web browsers, cookie-less universal Id solutions offered by third party vendors, as explained in chapter “Frequency capping based on extended Ids” here
  • in mobile in-app environments, dedicated user identifiers such as Apple's IFA
On iOS devices, the option "Prevent cross-site tracking" must be disabled to authorize cookie dropping by Equativ in order to make frequency capping work.
However, this only applies to the Safari browser. In the Chrome and Firefox browsers on iOS, capping does not work at all because these two browsers only allow reading third party cookies but not writing them.

Include non-identified users option
The include non-identified users option determines if the frequency capping settings are applied strictly or not. A non-identifiable user is a user that cannot be identified as a recurring user, as explained above.
  • Non-strict frequency capping – the Include non-identified users option is enabled: in this case, the insertion is also delivered to non-identifiable users, but without applying the frequency capping settings for those users
  • Strict frequency capping (default setting) – the Include non-identified users option is disabled: the insertion is not delivered to non-identifiable users at all

Frequency capping options

  • Days/Hours/Minutes - determines the max. number of impressions per user over a period of x days / hours / minutes; e. g. "3 impressions per 2 Days" means: if a user sees an ad from this insertion now, then this user will get a maximum of 3 ads from this insertion over the next 48 hours
  • Session - determines the max. number of impressions per session; a session starts with the first time this insertion is displayed to a user and ends 30 minutes later (without any refresh); Note that sessions are site specific: a user’s visit of another site (where this insertion is running) is considered as a new session and the session capping is applied again; therefore, even if the capping limit is reached on a website before the session ends, the insertion is eligible to be shown on another site since the visit of the other site counts as a new session
  • Insertion lifetime - determines the max. number of impressions per user over the entire insertion lifetime
  • Shared frequency capping - see below 

Shared frequency capping

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To assign a shared frequency capping to an insertion, you must first specify a shared frequency capping under Administration > Links, exclusions and shared frequency cappings. For example, you could create a shared frequency capping called "2 per 60 minutes" with Max. impressions: 2 and Period: 60 mins. Ads from the insertions to which you assign this shared frequency capping would then be displayed at maximum twice per hour per unique user. 

Combined frequency capping
You can combine the different frequency capping options in an insertion. However, the following limits apply:
  • max. 1 of the "per Days/Hours/Minutes" options (for example, you cannot combine a "per Days" frequency capping with a "per Hours" frequency capping)
  • max. 1 shared frequency capping 

Targeting insertions to positive TCF consent (Personalized Ad)

Enable the Personalized Ad option to ensure that this insertion is served only to users who provided positive TCF consent for personalized ads (GDPR consent); read more about the TCF and GDPR here.
Positive consent means that the user:
  • is at a location where the GDPR applies (parameter gdpr= in the ad call is set to "1")
  • allows Equativ as a vendor
  • allows all purposes/features/special purposes mentioned in chapter "Required TCF signals to serve personalized ads" in this article
If you leave the option "Personalized Ad" disabled, the insertion will deliver no matter if the consent is present/absent or positive/negative.
However, Equativ will also block a "Non-Personalized Ad" insertion if it uses a feature that relies on user IDs and if the consent is absent or negative. This behavior is required by the GDPR: it prohibits the processing of user IDs without positive consent.
If you paste a third party tag from Google Ad Manager 360, the Personalized Ad option is enabled automatically. This minimizes counting discrepancies between Google Ad Manager 360 and Equativ.

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