
Instant Report Builder

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Instant Report Builder


With the Instant Report Builder tool, you can retrieve detailed statistics either as a one-time report or a scheduled report. It also provides an instant preview of the data for the first 24 hours of the selected report period.
If the financial metrics, such as revenue numbers shown on the Instant Report Builder, differ from the numbers on the monthly invoice, the numbers on the invoice take precedence.

Reporting plans, standard/advanced fields and data retention

Equativ offers two different reporting plans: free and premium. To sign up for the premium plan, reach out to your contact at Equativ.
The dimensions/metrics you can select in your report are categorized into standard dimensions/metrics and advanced dimensions/metrics (see columns "Standard / Advanced" in the Report dimensions / Report metrics articles).
Both the reporting plan and the selected dimensions/metrics determine the data retention. The data retention is defined as the number of days Equativ keeps the reporting data until deletion. Therefore, the data retention determines the earliest start/end date you can select in the datepicker when you compose your report. For example, if the data retention is 40 days, then the start/end date you select with the datepicker in your report can be at maximum 40 days before today. 

The following table summarizes the data retention by reporting plan and dimension/metric type:
 Free reporting planPremium reporting plan
Standard metrics/dimensions*unlimitedunlimited
Advanced metrics/dimensions*40 days400 days**
* See column "Standard / Advanced" in Report dimensions / Report metrics to determine which dimensions/metrics are considered as standard/advanced. 
** To sign up for the premium plan, get back to your sales/service contact at Equativ. Once the premium plan is activated, data is available for max. 40 days prior to the activation date: access to the last 400 days is not granted immediately!

If you are using the premium reporting plan and you have selected the advanced metric "Keywords", the start/end date you can select in the datepicker of your report cannot be earlier than 400 days before today - a tooltip will inform you accordingly.

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Switch to Instant Insights

You can easily switch to Instant Insights at any time without losing any of the current settings (selected time frame, selected dimensions/metrics etc.). 


To access the Instant Report Builder, go to Reports > Instant Report Builder.


Select the desired time frame for your report using the datepicker.


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All metrics and dimensions are organized in Views. Choose from the views ProgrammaticDirect or Video Auctions in the top right corner.


Metric selection

The metrics are categorized into Video, Financial, Delivery and Interactions. Click on Metrics + to add new metrics. If needed, rearrange the metrics using drag and drop.

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Available metrics

Read chapter "Metrics in Instant Insights and Instant Report Builder" in the Report metrics article to find a definition of each metric.
Reminder: the metrics are organized by view (see chapter "Views" above). Consider switching the view if you cannot find a metric.


Dimension selection

The dimensions are categorized into Video, Ad Info, Quality & Privacy, Placement, CompetitionTargeting and Time. Click on Dimensions + to add new dimensions. If needed, rearrange the dimensions using drag and drop.

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Dimension filters

To set a filter in dimensions, click on Filter and select the desired dimension. Then, select the actual value(s) (enter at least 3 characters to get automatic suggestions). The auto-suggestion of values is limited to values that have actual report results; for instance, an insertion for which there are no results will not be auto-suggested.
The following rules apply for filters:
  • multiple values of the same dimension are connected with the “OR” operator (e. g. “Seat ID 123” OR “Seat ID 456”) 
  • multiple values of different dimensions are connected with the “AND” operator (e. g. “Seat ID 123" AND "Deal ID 123”)

Available dimensions

Read the Report dimensions article to find a definition of each dimension.
Reminder: the dimensions are organized by view (see chapter "Views" above). Consider switching the view if you cannot find a dimension.

Previewing the report 

When composing a report query, a preview of the first 24 hours of the report time frame is shown if the selected dimensions/metrics are compatible. If no preview is available or takes too long, click Schedule Report or Download report immediately.

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Downloading the report 

To download the report as a one-time report, click on Download report and choose from
  • CSV file - downloads the report in csv format
  • Excel file - downloads the report in Excel format
  • Send by e-mail - opens the "Generate report" modal where you can specify the Report name, the File format and the Email recipient(s)  
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Scheduling a report

You can also schedule a report to receive it by e-mail on a regular basis:
  • define a Report name
  • select the File format of the report: CSV or Excel
  • next to Send report:
    • set how frequently you want to receive the report: Hourly, Daily, Weekly or Monthly
    • select the period each report will cover: Last hour, Current day, Previous day, Last 7 days, Previous week, Current month, Previous month
  • next to Start/Stop schedule on, specify the Start date/time and the End date/time of the scheduled report; during this time frame, the report will be sent with the frequency selected above (Hourly, Daily etc.) 
  • add the recipient Email addresses of the scheduled report, separated by comma (your own email is entered by default). Separate multiple e-mail addresses with a comma, following this pattern:, Spaces between e-mail addresses are not allowed.
  • click Confirm to run the scheduled report
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Report list

Click on Report list to display all One-time/Scheduled reports.

Customizing the report list

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You can customize the report list as follows:
  • Hide/Display columns - using the selector shown in the screenshot above, you can hide/display columns (Status, Name, View etc.).
  • Pin columns - hover over a column name and click the pin icon. The pinned column will then move to the left. 
  • Rearrange columns - hover over a column header and drag and drop it to the desired location.
  • Adapt column width - drag and drop the vertical lines between columns to change the column width.

Context menu

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Hold your mouse over a report in the list to display the "..." menu with these options:
  • Clone configuration - One-time reports only. Opens the Instant Report Builder where the parameters of the One-time report are pre-selected and can be edited further.
  • Renew - Scheduled reports only; reschedules the report for another 6 months.
  • Download API request (JSON) - One-time/Scheduled reports; used to copy/download your report's configuration code to request the One-time/Scheduled report with the Reporting API.
  • Delete - One-time/Scheduled reports; deletes the report.

Report templates

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As an alternative to manual report configuration, you can create the report based on a report template.
  • click on Select template in the top right corner
  • select one of the templates; each report template shows the number of metrics/dimensions/filters, the default time frame and, on mouse over, further details about the individual elements
  • once you have selected the template, adjust the time frame and/or other settings if needed
  • generate your report as usual

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