
Tagging Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP HTML)

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Tagging Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP HTML)


Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) HTML is an open-source framework designed to speed up mobile pages and thus improve user experience.
For monetization of AMP pages, ad networks must respect a strict API set by the framework.
Equativ supports the monetization of AMP pages using the <amp-ad> components.


Basic <amp-ad> configuration


Publishers that use Equativ as their ad server can monetize AMP inventory using an <amp-ad> tag as shown in green in the AMP page example below: 

<!doctype html>
<html ⚡ lang="fr">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>AMP - Example</title>
      <script async src=""></script>
      <script custom-element="amp-ad" src="" async></script>
      <script custom-element="amp-consent" src="" async></script>
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,minimum-scale=1,initial-scale=1">



The following table lists all parameters to be used in an <amp-ad> tag.
Parameter_____Type__ _Necessity___Description
typeSTRINGREQUIREDthe ad network that will be requested by the <amp-ad> tag; must be "smartadserver"
widthINTEGERREQUIREDthe width of the ad placement
heightINTEGERREQUIREDthe height of the ad placement
data-siteINTEGERREQUIREDthe site ID
data-pageINTEGERREQUIREDthe page ID
data-formatINTEGERREQUIREDthe format ID
data-targetSTRINGOPTIONALthe targeting string in format key1=value1;key2=value2
data-domainSTRINGREQUIREDthe Equativ domain that will be used in the ad call; e.g.:; the domain of your network can be found in the tag output in Equativ’s UI, under Inventory Sites and pages

Configuration of <amp-ad> with RTC in Holistic+ implementations

AMP Real Time Config (RTC) is an optional configuration of an <amp-ad> integration. With RTC, publishers can enrich ad requests from AMP pages with user targeting information in a generic way that can be used by any ad network and any targeting vendor.
The targeting information to be added to the ad request is obtained by calling RTC vendors (full list of RTC compliant vendors here).

In Holistic+ integrations, AMP inventory monetization works as follows:

  • the publisher adds an RTC configuration to the <amp-ad> tag and sets up the desired RTC vendors in the configuration (e. g. the "prebidappnexus" vendor, as shown in the example below)
  • once the AMP page is loaded by the end user, the desired RTC vendors are called to retrieve header bidding ads
  • once a header bidding winner is determined, the ad call to Equativ is triggered; the ad call contains parameters with information about the winning bid (winning bidder, winning bid price etc.)
  • once Equativ obtains the ad call with the details about the header bidding winner, it runs an RTB+ auction taking the winner’s bid price as floor price
  • if Equativ’s RTB+ has a higher bid than the header bidding winner, the RTB+ ad will be shown
  • if RTB+ has no higher bid, the ad of the winning bid retrieved through the RTC config will be shown


The following example shows an <amp-ad> tag with an RTC configuration with the RTC vendor "prebidappnexus".

      "vendors": {
        "prebidappnexus": { "PLACEMENT_ID": 13144370, "ACCOUNT_ID": 101010 }

Note that the parameters (e. g. PLACEMENT_ID / ACCOUNT_ID in case of  prebidappnexus) are specific to each vendor. The configuration of each RTC vendor is explained in the AMP RTC Publisher Implementation Guide

Fast Fetch rendering

Equativ supports Fast Fetch rendering, which is a prerequisite to be able to use RTC and therefore Holistic+. Fast Fetch rendering reduces latency, increases viewability, and improves the overall user experience.
With Fast Fetch, the ads on AMP pages are requested on page load, but only the ads within three viewports on the page are rendered, since these are likely to be viewed by end users.
The Fast Fetch rendering will most likely cause a decline in terms of performance: the fill rate may decrease because ads are fetched but not necessarily rendered on page load.

Configuration of <amp-ad> with RTC for Equativ as a bidder

At this this time, there is no RTC endpoint if Equativ acts as a bidder (e. g. in prebid integrations). Instead, the setup must be done through a Prebid Server configuration (see documentation).

Passing the TCF consent string to Equativ (GDPR compliance)

To ensure GDPR compliance of the AMP page, the TCF consent string (obtained from an IAB-compliant CMP) can be sent to Equativ (more about GDPR compliance here).
During the page load, Equativ’s AMP adapter will look for the window.context.consentSharedData.consentString property that can be set by an IAB compliant CMP; if nothing is set, Equativ will fall back on initialConsentValue ; please refer to your CMP account manager to make sure that your CMP is compatible with the IAB standards;

The tagging of the <amp-ad> component must include data-block-on-consent="_auto_reject" to ensure that the call on first-page-load is made right away, without waiting for the user’s consent (see example below). Once the user has given their consent, all subsequent calls will be made with the consent string as long as the CMP pushes the value in window.context.consentSharedData.consentString.



Keep in mind
Contact your CMP regarding implementation details and best practices based on the documentation: Basic blocking behaviors / Advanced predefined consent blocking behaviors.

Viewability support

AMP integrations support Equativ's viewability features. For more details, read here.  

Limitations and warnings

  • supported creative templates – at this stage, AMP HTML Tagging works with these creative templates only:
    • Default Banner (creative formats: image, HTML5, agency redirect)
    • RTB+ Default Banner
    • Mobile Banner
    • Equativ Video-Banner (out-stream video, direct campaigns only)
  • https protocol – AMP requires ads served by Equativ or any third party system to be served via https; any non-secure content (http) will break the page
  • no insertion links/exclusions – linked or excluded insertions cannot be served on AMP inventory; insertion links make sure that insertions appear together when the page is loaded; insertion exclusions produce the opposite effect:  insertions are never shown together
  • page views – the page view metric (in reports) is not supported; in case of multiple ads on an AMP HTML page, each ad call is counted as a new page view
  • ad refresh – the Ad refresh feature is not compatible with AMP tagging  

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