
Insertions: Inventory

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Insertions: Inventory

About inventory

You can add the placements in the Inventory tab. The placements are the "locations" where ads are shown. In Equativ's platform, a placement is defined as a combination of a format, a website and a page. Each format, website and page has its individual identifier. These 3 Ids are all included in an ad request to Equativ. Based on the parameters, Equativ will determine which insertions are eligible to be served back to the website (ad response).


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To define the format(s) proceed as follows:

  • create an insertion as explained in Insertions: General settings
  • select one or multiple formats
  • once the format(s) is/are selected, the site/page/pack tree will update to show the sites/pages/packs where the selected format(s) is/are available 

Selection of multiple formats

Selecting multiple formats in an insertion is relevant in the following use cases:
  • displaying a creative (e. g. a 728x90 leaderboard) on multiple formats of the same type/size on the page (e. g. a 728x90 leaderboard format at the top and another one at the bottom of a page)
  • displaying creatives of different types/sizes (e. g. a 728x90 leaderboard creative and a 300x250 medium rectangle creative) on the appropriate formats of a page
Keep in mind
Insertions with multiple selected formats are not compatible with the link/exclusive link/exclusion features.

Creative display mode

If the insertion has multiple formats, you can define how often the insertion's creatives are eligible to be displayed on a page's formats.

  • One or multiple — Works with both Standard Call and OneCall; One or multiple eligible creatives are displayed on the page 
  • Only one — ⚠️ works with OneCall only; only one eligible creative is displayed on the page; insertions with the Only one option may lead to inaccurate forecast availabilities: for inventory where an insertion with the Only one option is reserved, the forecast shows more available inventory than there actually is; this limitation will be resolved soon
  • All — ⚠️ works with OneCall only; all eligible creatives are displayed on the page or the insertion is not selected for delivery at all
    • if the insertion contains a creative on a format that is not present on the page, then the display of all creatives cannot be guaranteed and the insertion is therefore not selected (delivered) at all; this rule does not apply in case of blocking creatives: if a format has a blocking creative but is not present on the page, the insertion still remains eligible to be selected and delivered; read more about blocking creatives here
    • the All option is also useful in RTB insertions connected to a guaranteed deal: in this case, it allows publishers to sell all of a page's/site's formats exclusively to a buyer through a deal with a fixed volume of impressions, served over a specified time frame; more details about guaranteed deals here
    • insertions with the All option may lead to inaccurate forecast availabilities: for inventory where an insertion with the All option is reserved, the forecast shows more available inventory than there actually is; this limitation will be resolved soon;
    • the All option works with insertions enabled on formats with multiple instances (read about format instances in section "Formats" here): the insertion is shown on all instances of the given format

Websites and pages

  • select one or multiple Site(s) and/or Page(s) and/or Pack(s); note that the creative(s) you will upload into this insertions will be eligible to be shown on all sites/pages/packs that you are selecting here
  • use the Selected placements toggle to show the currently selected sites and pages only

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Pages where the selected format is not enabled in the pages' page groups are hidden; if you miss a page, check under Administration > Websites and Pages; read here for more about page groups


Additionally or alternatively, you can select one or multiple packs. A pack is collection of websites and/or pages; packs must be set up under Administration > Packs before they can be selected in an insertion.

Excluding Sites, Pages or Packs

To exclude a site, page or pack, click on the Exclude button and check the site(s), page(s) or pack(s). The excluded site(s)/page(s)/pack(s) will be highlighted in red with a red cross.

Note: technically, excluding a site/page/pack is no different from not including it in the first place.

Examples where the placement exclusion feature is useful:

  • Excluding a pack that overlaps with another pack; e. g. pack A contains all mobile websites and pack B contains all home pages; by including pack A and excluding pack B, the insertion will be displayed on all your mobile websites, but not on the home pages of the mobile websites
  • Including a pack while excluding some of its websites or pages; e. g. an insertion is booked on large pack containing hundreds of websites but you want to exclude a small amount of the pack's websites

Domains & Bundle IDs 

Optionally, you can also include/exclude domains/bundle IDs. This ensures that the insertion is only delivered if the ad call originates or does not originate from specific domains/bundle IDs.
Domain/Bundle ID inclusion/exclusion can only be used in combination with sites/pages/packs: you cannot put the insertion online, if you did not select at least one site, page or pack.

The selected sites/pages/packs and the included/excluded domains/bundle IDs are connected with “AND”/”AND NOT”: for instance, if you select a pack and exclude a domain/bundle ID, then the insertion will only deliver if the ad call contains the pack AND DOES NOT originate from the excluded domain/bundle ID.

A typical use case for domain/bundle ID selection is to select a pack covering the entire network (all sites, also known as a run-of-network pack) and to exclude a list of domains/bundle IDs from the selected pack.

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To include or exclude domains/bundle IDs:
  • click on Add
  • paste the list of domains/bundle IDs; you can either
    • paste one domain/bundle ID per row or
    • paste all domains/bundle IDs in a single row and separate each domain/bundle ID by a comma; once pasted, this single row of comma-separated domains/bundle IDs will be split into a list of domains/bundle IDs with each one in a separate row
  • click Save
  • leave the Include selection or select the Exclude option button to exclude the list of domains/bundle IDs; note that you can only include all domains/bundle IDs or exclude all domains/bundle IDs.
  • if needed, click Export to download the list of domains/bundle IDs currently targeted in the insertion  
The domain/bundleId list may contain alphanumeric characters and “.”, “-” and “_” only. The maximum number of characters per domain/bundle ID is limited to 254 characters.

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