
Classic banner

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Classic banner

User-added image


Most common sizes
Creative template parameters
Known issues
Release notes


Formerly named "Default Banner" / "RTB+ Default Banner". The "Classic banner" creative template displays a simple banner.

Do not use the "Classic Banner" creative template for newsletter campaigns and other use cases where client side counting of impressions is not applicable/would not work. For such cases, use the dedicated creative template Newsletter/Email Banner (for more details, see Newsletter campaigns).

Most common sizes

Most common RTB sizes of this ad format: 300x250, 640x360, 728x90, 300x600, 320x50, 160x600, 970x250, 120x600, 320x100, 300x300.




Creative rotation
Responsive web design
Friendly iFrame
Viewability counting (MRC standard)


This section applies for the direct creative template only.
Supported file formats:

  • image
  • creative script
  • HTML5

Note 1: In case of HTML5 creatives, make sure you set up the size.
Note 2: In case of creative scripts with asynchronous tagging, make sure you set up the size.

Creative template parameters

NameDescriptionDefault value
Direct template options:
Render in SafeframeSpecifies if the ad creative will be rendered inside the safeframe. This feature may be used only for creative scripts and in RTB delivery.false
Open in same windowChoose if the ad should open in the same window or not. The option works only with image creatives.false
Creative feedbackShows creative feedback button.true
RTB options (only for the RTB template):
Acceptable sizes*Acceptable sizes as a comma-separated list of a pair w*h (no spaces).
Example: 250*300,320*250
Render in iframeSpecifies if the creative should be rendered in an iframe instead of getting out of it. The ad is rendered in a friendly iframe and has the possibility to jump out of the iframe.false
Activate ad refreshToggle to activate automatic ad refresh functionality (5 refreshes max)false
Viewability threshold (px %)Specifies what minimum percentage of creative must be visible to be considered for ad refresh.50
Duration (seconds)Specifies for what duration must the ad be visible (provided the tab is active for the entire duration specified) to be considered for ad refresh.30

* About the "Acceptable sizes" field

By default, the width and height defined on format level (e. g. 300x250) is used. To accept additional sizes for the same ad slot, define them in the Acceptable sizes field in this form: width*height (e. g.: 300*250); separate multiple sizes by a comma and do not use any spaces.

  • if you define one size, the size defined on format level will be overridden (replaced)
  • if you enter multiple sizes, a multi-impression bid request is sent to the DSPs; the highest bid will win the auction, no matter which size it is
  • to accept the format's size and additional sizes, enter the format's size, followed by the additional sizes

The sizes in multi-impression bid requests are sent in the order declared in the field Acceptable sizes. However, some DSPs may not support multi-impression bid requests: they will use the first size only and ignore the other sizes!

Note: In a Header Bidding setup (with prebid.js), the Acceptable sizes field has priority oversizes specified client side in the prebid.js configuration (more details here).


Click management for HTML5 creatives

The Classic banner ad format is able to identify the click destination for HTML5 creatives by using:

  • the click counting library
  • the clicktag variables passed in the source of the iframe; Important: HTML5 creatives must have the click destination recognition implemented:

User-added image


All creative scripts are rendered within an iframe with fixed dimensions

Known issues

  • the viewability module for the asynchronous one call format (iFrame in the “General settings” in the Equativ Monetization Platform) fires the viewundetermined pixel in case of creative formats image and HTML5 and does nothing in case of creative scripts
  • the RTB click counting feature does not work in the case of the creatives that are placed within a cross-domain iframe; in this case, the click event, that is triggered in the iframe, is not accessible for the parent document

Release notes

  • 08-01-2025 - Add callback when HTML5 creative loaded
  • 14-11-2024 - Improve wrapper's width
  • 08-10-2024 - Remove creative feedback button when pixel creative is rendered
  • 01-10-2024 - Fix centering direct creatives
  • 18-09-2024 - Fix rendering image creatives
  • 06-08-2024 - Fix rendering of feedback and DSA buttons
  • 01-07-2024 - Add support for DSA module. Update Feedback module for Direct and RTB versions
  • 15-02-2024 - Allow 10s, 15s values in the "duration" parameter in ad refresh
  • 24-01-2024 - Remove support for obsolete macros
  • 25-10-2023 - Add ad refresh section to template parameters for RTB version
  • 03-10-2023 - Technical improvements
  • 25-09-2023 - Improve impression counting
  • 11-09-2023 - Add feedback module to the RTB Default banner
  • 06-09-2023 - Create a new Newsletter/Email Banner template
  • 18-07-2023 - Add new RTB macros
  • 12-06-2023 - Improve action pixels
  • 19-04-2023 - Add parameter Render in Safeframe
  • 12-04-2023
    • Add parameter Open in same window
    • Remove document.write from template
  • 19-05-2022 - Support for click ID-based conversion tracking
  • 03-02-2022 - Add render in iframe option
  • 20-04-2020 - Remove RTB parameters from click count pixel
  • 07-01-2020 - Do not take OBA icon into account during RTB click counting
  • 24-10-2019 - Update for the rendering iframe in IE EDGE
  • 28-03-2019 - Fix for the rendering iframe in IE11/EDGE
  • 20-02-2019 - Fix for the safeframe viewability measurement
  • 05-02-2019 - Viewability module improvements - Measures are now more accurate and more integrations are covered
  • 20-12-2018 - Support for 100% width and height of creative script and HTML5 creatives
  • 12-12-2018 - Remove CSS hiding container of the ad
  • 05-11-2018 - Refactoring of the template
    • Friendly iframe compliancy
    • Stop supporting for Flash creatives
    • Remove document.write (all creative scripts rendered in iframe)
    • Remove pixel ratio option
  • 04-09-2018 - Fix for hasAd method in RTB template + Fix for the https pages and FIF delivery
  • 20-08-2018 - RTB template refactored, iframe friendly compliance and improvement of Header Bidding viewability measurement
  • 19-03-2018 - Additional RTB parameters in RTB click counting
  • 07-02-2018 - Additional RTB parameters in viewability logs
  • 09-01-2018 - Enable RTB click counting
  • 04-01-2018 - Enable viewability counting by default
  • 04-01-2018 - RTB click counting
  • 29-11-2017 - RTB click counting
    • More than first click for iframe markups
    • Logs per creative if there is any creative, if not - per insertion
  • 14-11-2017 - RTB click counting in RTB for insertion
  • 30-10-2017 - Click counting in RTB copy of template
  • 16-10-2017 - Support for the site-initiated auto refresh solution (only RTB version)
  • 02-10-2017 - Workaround for Chrome bug with iframe content on user back
  • 16-08-2017 - Fix in HTML5 clickcount management
  • 31-07-2017 - Viewability module

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