ab | INTEGER | REQUIRED | the ad break; possible values:
- 0 - default
- 1 - preroll
- 2 - midroll
- 3 - postroll
- Not set for overlays
default value: 1 |
abpos | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | logs the ad break position (PositionInAdBreak); e.g. a value of 2 is logged if the ad has been played in the 2nd position in an ad break of 5 ads |
arid | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the ad rule id (VideoAdRuleId); logs the application of server side ad rules when Equativ returned the video ad; possible values:
- VideoAdRuleId=-1 means that a client side ad rule was applied; i. e. the video ad was served without any involvement of server side ad rules
- VideoAdRuleId=0 means that server side ad rules were applied but none of them was matching
- VideoAdRuleId=[Id] indicates that a server side ad rule was matching and was applied; [Id] represents the Id of the actual ad rule that was applied (as set up in EMP)
ctc | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content category; supports one or multiple values; multiple values must be separated by a comma – e. g.: ctc=cat1,cat2,cat3; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentCategory; Macro name: [sas_videoContentCategory] |
ctch | STRING | OPTIONAL | the name of the content channel; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentChannelName |
ctd | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content duration in seconds; the value -1 indicates a live stream; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentDuration; Macro name: [sas_videoContentDuration] |
ctdid | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content distributor Id; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentDistributorId; Macro name: [sas_videoContentDistributorId] |
ctdn | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content distributor name; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentDistributorName; Macro name: [sas_videoContentDistributorName] |
cte | STRING | OPTIONAL | the episode number of the content; format ISO-639-1-Alpha-2 is strongly recommended; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoEpisodeNumber; Macro name: [sas_videoEpisodeNumber] |
ctgr | STRING | OPTIONAL | the genre describing the content (e. g. "Rock", "Pop") |
ctid | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content Id to uniquely identify the content; used for syndication purposes; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_contentid; Macro name: [sas_contentid] |
ctk | STRING | OPTIONAL | one or multiple keywords (tags) that describe the video content (separated by comma); Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentTags; Macro name: [sas_videoContentTags] |
ctlg | STRING | OPTIONAL | the language of the content; format ISO-639-1-Alpha-2 is strongly recommended |
ctmsid | STRING | OPTIONAL | the content management system Id in charge of the video content; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoCmsId; Macro name: [sas_videoCmsId] |
ctn | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content name (title); Key name in Video plugin*: sas_contentTitle; Macro name: [sas_contentTitle] |
ctnw | STRING | OPTIONAL | the name of the content network; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentNetworkName |
ctp | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content provider name; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_contentProviderName; Macro name: [sas_contentProviderName] |
ctpid | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content provider ID; used for syndication purposes; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_contentproviderid; Macro name: [sas_contentproviderid] |
ctr | STRING | OPTIONAL | the permissible audience of the video content (general audiences, parental guidance, adult, etc.); supports one or multiple values; multiple values of a key must be separated by a comma; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentRating; Macro name: [sas_videoContentRating] |
cts | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content season number; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoSeasonNumber; Macro name: [sas_videoSeasonNumber] |
ctt | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content type; supports one or multiple values; multiple values must be separated by a comma; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_videoContentType; Macro name: [sas_videoContentType] |
ctxid | STRING | OPTIONAL | the video content id in an external (3rd party) system; Key name in Video plugin*: sas_externalContentId; Macro name: [sas_externalContentId] |
ec | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | logs the video error code, if an error occurred; more about video error codes with a complete list here |
live | BOOLEAN | OPTIONAL | default value: 0; indicates if the ad request is originating from an ad break in a live video stream (live event) or not; live video streams generate traffic peaks during ad breaks (many simultaneous ad requests); live=1 ensures appropriate ad delivery pacing during such ad breaks |
mabd | STRING | OPTIONAL | the maximum adbreak duration; sets a duration limit for the ad pod (in seconds) |
pb | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the number of passback ads; defines the number of additional ads to be delivered with the VAST response for failover (fallback) purposes (see "ad buffet" in the VAST specification); default (if pb is not specified): 4 passback ads, if available on the placement; a maximum of 10 passback ads can be served; pb=0 disables passback ads entirely Keep in mind: Only insertions without any video ad pod position targeting can be served as passback ads; read here for more on video ad pod position targeting |
ps | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the ad pod size; specifies the number of sequenced ads to be returned in the VAST ad response, default value: 1 |
declares a video as being skippable or not in the bid request
ssar | BOOLEAN | OPTIONAL | determines which video ad rules should be applied;
- ssar=0 deactivates server side ad rules and activates client side ad rules
- ssar=1 activates server side ad rules and deactivates client side ad rules
vbrmax | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the maximum bitrate of the video creative served programmatically, in Kbps; must have a positive value |
vbrmin | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the minimum bitrate of the video creative served programmatically, in Kbps; must have a positive value |
vcn | STRING | OPTIONAL | a boolean indicating if noad is counted client-side or server-side; noad occurs when more ads are requested than available on the placement; noad counting is done for reporting and forecasting purposes;
The server side counting method (vcn=s) means that Equativ counts empty (unmonetized) inventory server side. Empty inventory occurs when the number of ads returned by Equativ is less than the number of ads requested by the pod size (ps=) parameter or by the maximum ad break duration (mabd=) parameter in the VAST request. Empty inventory is counted with the report metric "No ad". Keep in mind: In case of client side counting, missing ads should be counted on the client side as described in “Counting empty inventory in case of standalone VAST requests” below. |
vct | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video client technology Id passed by Equativ's video plugin; possible values:
- 1 - Flash (deprecated)
- 2 - javascript
vd | STRING | OPTIONAL | logs the video ad duration in seconds |
vdmax | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the maximum duration of the video creative served programmatically, in seconds; must have a positive value; default value: 60 |
vdmin | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the minimum duration of the video creative served programmatically, in seconds; must have a positive value, greater than or equal to 1; default value: 1 |
vit | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video integration type passed by Equativ’s video plugin; possible values:
- 1 - Instream Plugins
- 2 - Instream Embedded Ad Manager
- 3 - Outstream synchronous formats (obsolete)
- 4 - Outstream asynchronous formats
- 5 - Server side ad insertion (SSAI)
vpaidt | STRING | OPTIONAL | the VPAID type; vpaidt=js requests the VPAID type javascript |
vpaidv | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the VPAID version;
- 0 - VPAID not supported (mandatory if VPAID is not supported at all)
- 1 - VPAID version 1
- 2 - VPAID version 2
- 1,2 - both VPAID versions in a single request
vph | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video player height, in pixels |
vplcmt | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video placement type in accordance with updated IAB Digital Video Guidelines; replaces vpt parameter; definitions below are shortened - for full definitions, see List: Plcmt Subtypes - Video
- 1 - Instream; pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll ads played before, during or after the streaming video content requested by user; must be sound-on by default at player start
- 2 - Accompanying Content; pre-roll, mid-roll and post-roll ads played before, during, or after streaming video content; video player loads and plays before, between, or after paragraphs of text or graphical content and starts playing only when it enters the viewport.
- 3 - Interstitial; video ads played without video content; must be primary focus of the page and take up the majority of the viewport; cannot be scrolled out of view; can be placements like in-app video or slideshows.
- 4 - No Content/Standalone; video ads played without streaming video content; can be placements like slideshows, native feeds, in-content or sticky/floating
vpmt | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video playback method; set to -1 by default (feature disabled):
- -1: Default value, disables the feature
- 1: Initiates on Page Load with Sound On
- 2: Initiates on Page Load with Sound Off by Default
- 3: Initiates on Click with Sound On
- 4: Initiates on Mouse-Over with Sound On
- 5: Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound On
- 6: Initiates on Entering Viewport with Sound Off by Default
vpt | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video placement type; deprecated as of open RTB 2.6-202303 release; for the latest types of video placements in accordance with updated IAB Digital Video Guidelines, see vplcmt parameter above
- 1 - In-Stream; played before, during or after the streaming video content;
- 2 - In-Banner; exists within a web banner that leverages the banner space to deliver a video experience as opposed to another static or rich media format; the format relies on the existence of display ad inventory on the page for its delivery;
- 3 - In-Article; loads and plays dynamically between paragraphs of editorial content;
- 4 - In-Feed; in content, social or product feeds;
- 5 - Interstitial / Slider / Floating; covers the entire or a portion of the screen area, but is always on screen while displayed (i.e. cannot be scrolled out of view).
vpva | STRING | OPTIONAL | logs the area of the video ad that was viewed, in percent (VideoPercentageViewedArea) |
vpw | INTEGER | OPTIONAL | the video player width, in pixels |
vrn | STRING | OPTIONAL | the git revision number of the library used by the client |