
VAST video

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VAST video

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Creative template parameters
Known issues
Release notes


Formerly named "[VIDEO] VAST x - LINEAR". The "VAST video" creative template displays an out-stream/in-stream linear VAST video ad.


Check out Equativ’s video showcase to set up parameters and retrieve video ads.


Ad pod size
Viewability counting (MRC standard) 
Creative rotation

Creative template parameters

Is ad conditionalIn case of programmatic video ad serving, a VPAID ad unit might be used to decide whether there is an ad that matches the placement. When there is no match, an ad may not be served.
With this parameter, publishers can avoid accepting these ads in placements where an ad must be served.
A value of true indicates that the ad is conditional and should be used in all cases where the inline executable unit (such as VPAID) is not an ad but is instead a framework for finding an ad.
A value of false indicates that an ad is available.
Automatically fill missing clickthrough URLsIf there is no clickthrough URL defined for a given creative, the clickthrough URL from another creative will be used.true
Handle Javascript creative as VPAID linear creativesIf true, the javascript creatives will be considered as linear VPAID creatives.
If false, the javascript creatives will be used as <Companion> ads.
Custom impressionsYou can supply a single custom impression URL or a list of custom impression URLs. Use "||" to separate multiple URLs (no white spaces). 
Custom click-tracking for linear creativesA custom tracking URL fired when a click occurs on the linear creative. Multiple URLs can be supplied using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Custom click-tracking for companion creativesA custom tracking URL fired when a click occurs on the companion creative. Multiple URLs can be supplied using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Skip offsetThe duration before the user can skip this ad.
Available formats: "HH:MM:SS" / "HH:MM:SS.mmm" / "n%". 
Use publisher's skipoffsetIf enabled, the skip policy defined in the publisher's settings is used.true
Slots for companion adsList of companion slots, for instance: "div_1||div_2||div_3". The sorting must be the same as the companion creatives in the list. Use the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
AdParameters (VPAID)Ad parameters for a VPAID creative. Expected format: string 
Expected duration (VPAID)Expected duration of the VPAID creative. Format: "HH:MM:SS"00:00:30
URLs for custom errorsAn optional error URL. Multiple URLs can be supplied using the "||" separator (no white spaces) 
Progress offsetAvailable formats: "HH:MM:SS" / "HH:MM:SS.mmm" / "n%”. One offset format can be supplied. 
Custom VAST impression-tracking for viewableA custom tracking URI that the video player will trigger at the time the criteria for a viewable impression are met. Multiple URLs can be provided using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Custom VAST impression-tracking for notViewableA custom tracking URI that the video player will trigger if the ad is executed but does not meet the criteria for a viewable impression. Multiple URLs can be provided using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Custom VAST impression-tracking for viewUndeterminedA custom tracking URI that the video player should trigger if it cannot determine whether the criteria for a viewable impression are met. Multiple URLs can be provided using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Verification vendorAn identifier for the verification vendor.
Note: add the vendor name if you want the AdVerifications node to be included in a VAST response file.
JavaScriptResource's apiFramework and URLValues of the apiFramework attribute and the URL of the JavaScriptResource element. The values should be provided in the following pattern: apiFramework, URL. 
ExecutableResource's apiFramework, type and URLValues of the apiFramework and type attributes together with the URL of the ExecutableResource element. The values should be provided in the following pattern: apiFramework, type, URL. 
Verification Tracking URLsA reporting URL for the verificationNotExecuted event. Several URLs can be provided by using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
Verification parametersA string intended for bootstrapping the verification code and providing metadata about the current impression. 
Custom VAST Tracking for VAST [tracking_event]A custom reporting URL for the VAST [tracking_event]. Several urls can be provided using the "||" separator.
You can find a list of the <TrackingEvent>s available in VAST 2.0, VAST 3.0 or VAST 4.x specifications.
Use first creative in creatives list as mezzanine fileDetermines whether the first position in the creative list should be considered as mezzanine file.false
Required attribute for the elementProvides information about which companion creative to display when multiple companions are provided and about whether the ad can be displayed without its companion creative.all
ID (advEntityId) provided by IASDedicated ID (advertisingEntityId) used in Video Ad Network Solution (VANS) provided by Integral Ad Science (IAS). This ID is used when integrating the Firewall (FW) solution dedicated to advertisers/agencies. FW technology can block the ad's display if the impression does not respect brand-safety thresholds and fraud criteria defined for this campaign in the VANS interface. For more information refer to Integralads.
Both advEntityId and pubEntityId are required in FW integration.
ID (pubEntityId) provided by IASDedicated ID (pubEntityId) used in Video Ad Network Solution (VANS) provided by Integral Ad Science (IAS). This ID is used when integrating the Firewall (FW) solution dedicated to advertisers/agencies. FW technology can block the ad's display if the impression does not respect brand-safety thresholds and fraud criteria defined for this campaign in the VANS interface. For more information refer to Integralads.
Both advEntityId and pubEntityId are required in FW integration.
Advertiser IDAn identifier for the advertiser, provided by the ad server. It can be used for internal analytics. 
Custom VAST Tracking for expandA custom reporting URL for the VAST expand metric. Multiple URLs can be supplied using the "||" separator (no white spaces).  
Custom VAST Tracking for collapseA custom reporting URL for the collapse VAST metric. Multiple URLs can be supplied using the "||" separator (no white spaces). 
* Indicates in which VAST version the given parameter is available; see also "VAST version management" below 


VAST version management

The "VAST video" creative template supports all VAST versions. For proper VAST version management, it is mandatory that the publisher's player passes the highest VAST version it supports in the ad request, using the out= parameter. Based on the passed VAST version, the creative template will automatically leverage only the parameters supported by the given version. Possible values of the out parameter:
  • out=vast2
  • out=vast3
  • out=vast4
  • out=vast4.1
  • out=vast4.2

Linear and companion ads

Equativ will consider creatives with the following mime types as <Linear> ads:
  • Video creatives:
    • video/mp4
    • video/webm
    • video/3gpp
    • video/quicktime
  • Audio creatives:
    • audio/mp3
    • audio/mpeg
    • audio/mp4
    • audio/ogg
    • audio/wav
Equativ will consider creatives with the following mime types as <Companion> ads:
  • image/gif (StaticResource)
  • image/jpeg (StaticResource)
  • image/pjpeg (StaticResource)
  • image/png (StaticResource)
  • Creative script (HTMLResource)
  • HTML5 (IFrameResource)

Equativ will consider creatives with the mime types application/javascript or application/x-javascript as either VPAID <MediaFile> or as <Companion> creatives, depending on your settings. To make Equativ consider creatives with these mime types as <Companion>s (and no longer as <MediaFile>), make sure you disable the option "Handle Javascript creative as VPAID linear creatives".



Known issues


Release notes 

  • 15-02-2024 - remove UniversalAdId parameter
  • 02-08-2023
    • replace Smart by Equativ in AdSystem node
    • added an additional identifier to Creative nodes and a new identifier based on insertion and creative to Ad nodes
  • 29-06-2023 - replace [sas_smartBaseUrl] with [sas_pixelDomain]
  • 02-03-2023 - added vastResponseType meta parameter
  • 05-10-2022 - removed "Use custom VAST metrics" checkbox
  • 21-07-2020 - added AdVerifications node parameters

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