
HTML5 creative configuration

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HTML5 creative configuration

Standard HTML5 creative configuration 

Select creative template

Go to the Creatives section of the insertion. Select the Default Banner creative template or select a creative template from the Library.

Add HTML5 creative

  • click Add creative
  • select From computer
  • click Import a file and upload the HTML5 ZIP file
  • optionally, paste a custom click URL into the Click URL field if you want to override the click URL of the HTML5 creative itself; overriding the click URL requires that the creative complies with Equativ's Click counting in HTML5 creatives solution; also, the clicktag variable must exist in the HTML5 creative; if the HTML5 creative uses multiple clickTags (clickTag0, clickTag1, clickTag2 etc.), the Click URL pasted into the Click URL field will be used for all of the clickTags (overriding the click URLs for individual clickTags is not possible).
Keep in mind
  • make sure the margin:0 style is used for the HTML5 creative's body; else, there is a risk that the creative is cut off when delivered
  • do not copy the HTML5 creative code into the field Custom script, since it is not suitable for HTML5 creative code; instead, create a text file on your hard drive and paste the HTML5 code there; save the file and name it "index.html"; zip the index.html file with all the assets and upload it
  • if the HTML5 creative is served in a secure context, make sure the HTML5 creative loads libraries (javascript file, css file, etc.) and any other resources over https.

HTML5 creative configuration for mobile websites

HTML5 creatives can be served into interstitial and banner ad formats.

Embed in iframe

Embed the URL of the HTML5 creative in an iframe:
<iframe src="http://URL_of_HTML5.html" width="X" height="Y" frameborder="0">
If appropriate, adapt the iframe dimensions (width, height) to the banner slot.

Add agency script

In the Creatives section in your insertion:

  • click the Add an agency script button;
  • paste the iframe code mentioned above into the Custom script field
  • click Add creative

Workaround for landing page

Since the HTML5 creative is delivered inside an iframe, the click will open the landing page in the same box. To avoid this behavior, use the workaround described here. For this workaround to work, add the following line inside the <head> of the HTML5 code:

​<base target="_blank" />

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