App link URL (iOS only)* | App URL that will be opened by the SDK instead of the creative click URL, if the app is available on the iOS device. The SDK will fall back on the creative click URL otherwise. | |
Redirect to third party (iOS only)* | disabled - the SDK will always attempt to open the creative click URL in-app (Safari modal, Store modal etc.) enabled - the SDK will always open the creative click URL outside the app (Safari, App Store, etc.) | Disabled |
Third party impression pixels | Comma separated list of URLs that will be called when the impression is counted by the SDK. | |
Progress tracking event offset position | The timecode (HH:MM:SS or or percentage n%) when the progress event will be sent. | |
Background color | The color that will be displayed under the creative if it does not fit the display area. | #000000 |
Resize policy for background image* | cover - the image will cover the entire container even if it has to crop it in width or height contain - the image will be resized to be contained in the screen (without modifying the aspect ratio) 100% - the image will be stretched to match both the device width and height | Cover |
Video blurred background | If enabled, add a dynamic blurred effect behind the video. The blur will replace any background color. This effect will not be applied on VPAID creatives. | Disabled |
Video blurred background blur radius | The radius of the background blur that will be applied to the interstitial background; set it to 0 to disable blur | 15 |
Video blurred background tint color* | The tint color of the blurred background. | #ffffff |
Video blurred background tint color opacity* | The opacity to apply to the tint color of the blurred effect in percent (0-100 %). Note: 100% will completely mask the effect. | 0 |
Audio mode | muted - the video will be muted by default. auto - the video will be muted or unmuted depending on the status of the phone silent switch (or ring volume for devices without silent switch). on - the video will be unmuted by default (user music playback will stop). | muted |
Vertical position for video* | The vertical position of the video when the device is in portrait orientation. In landscape orientation, the video will always be centered vertically. | Top |
360° Video* | iOS versions >= 9.0 disabled - the video will be displayed by a regular video player enabled - the video will be displayed by a 360° video player | Disabled |
Autoplay video* | If enabled, the video will start as soon as the interstitial is displayed. Note: autoplay is enforced to true for VPAID creatives for compatibility reasons. | Enabled |
Auto close when video ends | If enabled, the interstitial will close as soon as the video is finished. Make sure you enable the close button if you disable the auto close feature! | Disabled |
Close on click | disabled - the interstitial will stay on screen even if it is clicked by the user enabled - the interstitial will be dismissed as soon as it is clicked by the user | Disabled |
Video is skippable | If enabled, a close button will be displayed. | Disabled |
Close button position | | Top right |
Close appearance delay | (in seconds) Number of seconds before the close button appears; set it to 0 for no delay at all | |
Close appearance countdown* | Displays a countdown before showing the close button (the close appearance delay must be greater than 0 seconds). | Disabled |
Swipe to close | disabled - the interstitial can only be closed using the close button. enabled - the interstitial can be closed by swiping it down as soon as the close button is enabled. Note: this feature will not work with all creatives. | Disabled |
RTB options (only for the RTB template) |
Acceptable sizes | Acceptable creative sizes retrieved from RTB; format: comma-separated list of width*height pairs (no spaces). Example: 250*300,320*250 | |
VPAID version | (SDK >= 6.5) Select the expected VPAID version(s). | 0 |
Minimum video duration | The minimum duration in seconds for RTB video ads. | 1 |
Maximum video duration | The maximum duration in seconds for RTB video ads. | 60 |
Width | The width of the video player in device independent pixels. | |
Height | The height of the video player in device independent pixels. | |
Minimum bit rate | The minimum bit rate in kbps for RTB ads. | |
Maximum bit rate | The maximum bit rate in kbps for RTB ads. | |
Playback method | The playback methods for video ads that will be retrieved from RTB. | All |
Use VAST companion as background image | If this option is enabled, a companion image (in case one is found alongside your video creative in the VAST file) will be used as the background image of the interstitial. | Disabled |