Holistic+, Equativ’s
Managed Holistic+ allows you to run a full competition between direct (premium) campaigns, Equativ's RTB and 3rd party SSPs (server-side and client-side header bidding): the highest bid will win while making sure that direct campaigns will deliver their guaranteed targets (volumes).
Managed Holistic+ is an on demand feature requiring a specific contract with Equativ – get back to your Sales and service contacts.
Managed Holistic+ vs. Holistic+
Managed Holistic+ greatly reduces the complexity in terms of setup and management when compared to classical
- on the client side, to load the header bidding script, only a single line of code must be integrated on the website (no error prone configuration and updating of the prebid.js script needed)
- the configuration of the header bidding script is done in Equativ Monetization Platform; this includes: enabling header bidding by site, page etc.; enabling individual SSPs, managing sizes and floor prices etc.
Related articles
This table lists articles with content related to Managed Holistic+:
Article name | Relevant content |
Setting up inventory | setup of websites, pages, formats |
Tagging guide | technical guide explaining Equativ's ad tags and javascript library (oneCall, Standard Call etc.) |
RTB Insertions | setup of RTB insertions (general settings, placement selection, creative template etc.) |
Supported bidders
At this time (Oct. 2020), Managed Holistic+ works with the following bidders:
152Media, 33Across, Adagio, Adaste Media, Adform, Adnuntius, Adsolut, Adux, Adyoulike, Aol, Appnexus, Audience Network Display, Audience Network Native, Conversant, Criteo, District M - Appnexus, Eplanning, Fidelity, FreeWheel - SSP, Gambid, Gravity, GumGum, Improve Digital, Index Exchange, Invibes, Media Impact Polska - Rubicon, Media Square, Mediasquare - Appnexus - MAX, Mediasquare - Appnexus - PRV, Mediasquare - Appnexus - TRA, Mediasquare - Rubicon - PRV, Mediasquare - Rubicon - TRA, Mediasquare - Rubicon OPN, Nano Interactive, One Display, OneTag, OpenX, Piximedia, Proxistore, Pubmatic, Quantum, Quantum - Appnexus, Reload, Rhythmone, Rich Audience, RTB House, Rubicon, Slimcut, Smile Wanted, Sovrn, Teads, TripleLift, WaardeX, Xaxis, YOC VIS.X
Client side setup
To use Managed Holistic+, you must perform the following steps on your website (a complete code sample with all steps is presented below in the “Complete sample” section):
Step 1: include .js file – in the
<head> of your website, include the following script:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://tagmanager.smartadserver.com/<NetworkId>/<siteId>/smart.prebid.js" async></script>
Note: Make sure you replace
<NetworkId> by your actual network Id and
<siteId> by the Id of the website where you implement the js file.
Step 2: Render mode – in the sas.setup function, set renderMode: 2.
Step 3: New OneCall with tagId – use Equativ’s new OneCall format and add a tagId to each format of the page:
formats: [
{ id: 4923, tagId: "Banner" }
,{ id: 15652, tagId: "Interstitial" }
,{ id: 6013, tagId: "Megaban" }
Keep in mind
- Do not use the legacy OneCall tagging (GET requests); instead, use the new OneCall as shown above (POST requests). If your formats are declared as follows, you are still using the legacy OneCall tagging: formatId: 4923,15652,6013,
- The Standard Call tagging is not supported.
Step 4: TagId in ad tags – render the ads using the tagId (“Megaban”, in this example); place each ad tag on the page into a <div> and assign the appropriate tagId as div id:
<div id="Megaban"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
sas.cmd.push(function() {
Note: the added commented code
//sas_manager.render(6013) is a workaround to make the Live preview work for the specified format Id (
6013 in this example); more about the workaround
here; details about the live preview in chapters "Preview" and "Using the Live Preview" in the
Configuring creatives article.
Warning Equativ relies on internal mechanisms to render Equativ's creative or the creative of the header bidding winner upon a noad Equativ tag notification. Therefore, refrain from manipulating the Equativ tag elements as they are used internally for the header bidding delivery. For instance, do not remove or change the name of the HTML ad container created by Equativ (in the example above <div id="megaban"></div>) to ensure a proper delivery of your ads, especially from prebid.js.
Also, if you need to capture the noad event, use iallnoad instead. The iallnoad event also takes the prebid "no ad" status into account (the function iall.renderHeaderBiddingAd is in charge of rendering the prebid winner; if prebid has no winner, it will trigger iallNoAd which means "No ad" for a given placement.
Complete sample
This complete sample of the script in the
<head> of your website illustrates the setup (relevant sections are highlighted in red):
<script type="application/javascript" src="https://ced.sascdn.com/tag/1/smart.js" async></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://tagmanager.smartadserver.com/1/1234/smart.prebid.js" async></script>
<script type="application/javascript">
var sas = sas || {};
sas.cmd = sas.cmd || [];
sas.cmd.push(function() {
sas.setup({ networkid: 1, domain: "https://ww1.smartadserver.com", async: true, renderMode: 2 });
sas.cmd.push(function() {
sas.call("onecall", {
siteId: 174967,
pageId: 853025,
formats: [
{ id: 4923, tagId: "Banner" }
,{ id: 15652, tagId: "Interstitial" }
,{ id: 6013, tagId: "Megaban" }
target: ''
Counting successful or failed rendering of Header bidding winner’s creative
Equativ provides a mechanism to count if the header bidding winner's creative was successfully rendered or not (more details in section "Counting successful or failed rendering of Header bidding winner’s creative" here. Note that the adRenderSucceeded / adRenderFailed mechanism is managed automatically in case of Managed Holistic+.
Setup in UI - Setting up inventory
To be able to use Managed Holistic+ you must set up your inventory in Equativ's system, i. e. create websites, pages, etc.; see Setting up inventory for more details
Setup in UI - Create RTB insertion
You must create at least one RTB insertion on each placement (combination of site, page, format) where you wish to use Managed Holistic+:
- create your RTB insertion as explained in RTB Insertions
- in the RTB insertion, enable the "Holistic yield" option in the General settings section of the insertion
- in the Creatives section of the RTB insertion, make sure you only use an official holistic RTB creative template
Setup in UI – Enabling Header Bidding
To enable header bidding on each of your sites, sign in to the Equativ Monetization Platform and go to Inventory > Header Bidding
This opens a page which lists existing sites of your network.
Here you can:
- click on View Complete List – to view all sites (including sites where header bidding is currently disabled);
- click on Update Inventory – to synch your inventory (added/removed/changed websites, pages or formats under Inventory > Sites & pages) with this Header Bidding management environment; Warning: this manual syncing is mandatory after each modification;
- click on On/Off next to a site – to enable/disable header bidding for the site
- view the Script Status (status of the prebid.js configuration script which can be configured as described in next chapter “Enabling header bidding on formats”); these are the possible statuses:
- Online – script is online and up to date (changes in the UI have been saved and put online);
- To be put online – script has been changed and saved but not put online;
- To be updated – script has not been modified nor saved and has not been put online;
- Access the detail view of the site by inventory type (Edit Desktop, Edit Tablet, Edit Mobile) – see the "Setup in UI – Formats" section below to learn how to enable header bidding on formats.
User ID configuration
With the cookieless era approaching, publishers can partner with third party user identification vendors. To enable and configure such user identification vendors, prebid.js provides the User ID module with a sub-module for each vendor. With Managed Holistic+, you can enable and configure the sub-module(s) directly in the user interface. Once set up, the user IDs will be sent to the client side bidders and leveraged in Equativ’s RTB.

To manage user identification vendors:
- go to Inventory > Header Bidding to display the site list
- scroll down and enable the toggle Show User ID Sub-Modules; Note: the settings for user ID sub-modules are not site-specific - they apply globally!
- enable the sub-module(s) you are working with and add the parameters using the prebid.js documentation of the according user ID sub-module(s); Note: some parameters of specific vendors are set by Equativ automatically and are therefore not configurable; also, some user ID sub-modules do not require any parameters at all
- click Save at the bottom of the page to save the current settings
- click Refresh All Scripts above the Show User ID Sub-Modules section to put all changes online
When you reload the page, the User ID Sub-Modules section is hidden from the UI; simply enable the toggle Show User ID Sub-Modules to reveal the detailed settings and to make changes;
Setup in UI – Sites
To access the site setup, click
Edit Desktop /
Edit Mobile /
Edit Tablet next to the given site in the site list.

Here you can:
- apply a Timeout in milliseconds used in case SSPs do not respond;
- specify if the given site has an Active CMP (read about CMPs and GDPR here);
- disable the Is Script Minified option if you need to visualize the final script with prebid.js in the page without minification (used for troubleshooting purposes);
- block header bidding if the ad call from the website contains a specific key (Key limitation field) with specific value(s) (Value limitation field); you can pass key=values in the ad call (ad tag) using the tgt= parameter (explained in detail in Using keyword targeting);
- block header bidding for specific pages (page Ids) on the given website using the PageId Limitation field.
At the bottom of the page, the
Supply Chain Setup section, allows you to declare the relevant node(s) to be added to the SupplyChain Object. These settings apply for instance for ad networks that manage inventories of multiple publishers and handle payments to these publishers. For more details on the parameters
sid and
hp see the IAB's
OpenRTB SupplyChain object specification (see also
Prebid.js Supply Chain Object Module and
Sellers.json and SupplyChain Object).
Global Placement ID (GPID)Equativ supports the Global Placement ID (GPID), an identifier specified by The Trade Desk to uniquely identify a placement (ad slot) across all SSPs and DSPs. In Managed Holistic+ implementations, Equativ generates a Global Placement ID for each placement and passes it to the connected SSPs, so that buyers can identify ad slots in a unique way even when the publisher uses the same ad slot name multiple times (more details in
The Prebid Ad Slot and the GPID).
Setup in UI – Formats
Click the Edit Desktop, Edit Tablet, Edit Mobile button of the selected site, and then scroll down to see list of the placements for this site (below the Site Setup section).
Here you can:
- Click the View Complete Format List button – to display the complete list of formats available on the selected site;
- Enable header bidding – locate the format and enable header bidding using the On/Off button in the Header Bidding Activated column;
- Edit header bidding of a format – click the Edit button located next to the selected format.
Format setup
Here you can:
- add floor prices – you can set a global floor price under General setup; additionally, you can set floor prices by media type: enable the toggle Is Banner Active / Is Native Active / Is Video Outstream Active to activate these media types on the format and enter the individual floor price for each media type; a floor price for a media type always takes precedence over the global floor price
- enable Lazy loading – read section "Lazy loading" below
- set up the banner media type:
- enable Delivery into a SafeFrame – read section "SafeFrame ad delivery" below
- add sizes – indicate one or multiple supported size(s)
- define out-stream video parameters – since the release of prebid 5, publishers must set up all open RTB video parameters at ad unit level, in the mediatypes.video section; from this centralized place, the bidders read the information (mimes, protocol etc.); previously, the video parameters had to be set up/repeated for each newly installed adapter; to define the parameters, enable the Is Video Outstream Active toggle switch and enter the according parameters under Video Out-stream Setup; Note: some bidders (when they win the auction) may only send the out-stream video VAST file itself, without any player; in such cases, Equativ will send its own out-stream video player to play the winning bidder's video ad; you can enable the option Backup only in order to use Equativ's video player only if the bidder itself does not provide any player
- activate native ads – enable the supported native ad assets to be requested in bid requests to DSPs: title, body, image, icon etc. (assets are specified in OpenRTB Dynamic Native Ads specification); note that the Ad Template field is to be filled based on the prebid.js adTemplate specified here, using the supported prebid.js macros
- enable SSPs and map placements – enable the SSPs you want to allow on the given format (by default, all SSPs are disabled) in the SSP section – these SSPs will compete against Equativ. When you enable any SSP, its section will appear below – here you can map the Equativ placement with the placement ids of the associated SSPs. Each SSP has its own naming of placements (e. g. “placementId” in case of Appnexus). For some SSPs, you need to provide multiple types of Ids.
- put Online – scroll down the page and click the Save button. This will change the site's status to To be put online. You need to click the Put online button, located in the bottom-right corner of the Placements' list section, to put all changes online. This will change the format status to Online.
Lazy loading
Lazy loading is a technique that lets you render your ads right at the moment your viewers are likely to actually view them. It means, e.g. serving an ad at the bottom of the page only when a user scrolls down to where this ad is located.
Lazy loading offers:
- Optimized page-load time
- Reduced latency
- Increased ad-viewability score
To activate lazy-loading, you need to remove the async parameter of the smart.prebid.js. Otherwise, we will not be sure that the lazy loading configuration will be activated until the tags start rendering and there will be no lazy-loading effect.
To configure Lazy loading:
- Go to Inventory > Header Bidding
- Click the Edit Desktop, Edit mobile or Edit Tablet button next to the selected site.
- Click the Edit button next to the selected placement.
- In the General Setup section, go to the Enable Lazy Loading option and switch the toggle button to ON.
- To apply the changes click the Save button in the placement settings, and then the Put Online button located under the list of Formats.
SafeFrame ad delivery
Read the SafeFrame ad delivery article for details about SafeFrame.
To enable the delivery of selected placements in a SafeFrame, follow the steps outlined below:
- Go to Inventory > Header Bidding
- Click the Edit Desktop, Edit mobile or Edit Tablet button next to the selected site.
- Click the Edit button next to the selected placement.
- In the General Setup section, go to the Deliver into a SafeFrame option and switch the toggle button to ON.
- To apply the changes click the Save button in the placement settings, and then the Put Online button located under the list of Formats.
Note that the Deliver into a SafeFrame option will only render winning ads from the header auction in a SafeFrame. If an ad from Equativ's SSP is winning over the header auction, then this Equativ SSP ad will not be rendered in a SafeFrame.