![]() |
Information |
Macros | |
Macros |
Details |
Macro | Description |
[sas_videoDuration] | duration of the video |
[sas_videoBitRate] | bitrate of the video |
[sas_videoplayerheight] | value passed in the ad call through the vph parameter (see Video RTB+ parameters) |
[sas_videoplayerwidth] | value passed in the ad call through the vpw parameter (see Video RTB+ parameters) |
[sas_videoIntegrationType] | video integration type Ids 1 - Instream Plugins 2 - Instream Embedded Ad Manager 3 - Outstream synchronous formats (obsolete) 4 - Outstream asynchronous formats 5 - Server side ad insertion (SSAI) |
[sas_videoClientTechnology] | video client technology Id 1 - deprecated 2 - Javascript 3 - iOS App 4 - Android App 5 - tvOS App 6 - AndroidTV App 7 - Amazon Fire TV App |
[sas_videoContentPlayer] | video player Id 1 - JW Player 5 2 - JW Player 6 3 - JW Player 7 4 - Flowplayer 5 - Ooyala 6 - Kaltura 7 - Brightcove 8 - OSMF 9 - JW Player SDK 10 - Ooyala SDK 11 - Brightcove SDK 12 - AVPlayer 13 - VideoView 14 - ExoPlayer |
[sas_videoRevisionNumber] | revision number of player or SDK |
Macro | Description |
[sas_siteId] | Id of the site passed in the ad call |
[sas_pageId] | Id of the page passed in the ad call or Id of the page found with the page name in the ad call |
[sas_pageName] | name of the page in the ad call |
[timestamp] | timestamp of the current ad call |
[sas_cookieId] | user id from the user’s pid cookie |
[countgo] | click counting redirect URL of 3rd party creative scripts; counts the click and redirects to the final destination URL; more details in section "Creative scripts" in the Configuring creatives article; to be replaced by [sas_creativeClickUrl] soon |
[countgoEncoded] | like [countgo] but URL encoded |
[sas_uid] | unique user Id used for frequency capping and other user related features; the Id is
[sas_target] | user targeting string for the current ad call; URL encoded by default. |
[sas_targetraw] | Unencoded sas_target |
[sas_insertionCountPixelUrl] | URL of the counting pixel for selected insertion |
[sas_noadImpressionPixelUrl] | noad Pixel URL |
[sas_creativeCountPixelUrl] | URL of the counting pixel for selected creative; empty if prefetch (mobile ad prefetching) is off |
[sas_creativeClickCountPixelUrl] | URL of the counting pixel for clicks of the selected creative |
[sas_pixelDomain] | base URL of pixels; the value varies depending on the data center which issued the ad response; used to manually forge event pixels in json custom templates. |
[sas_creativeClickUrl] | click counting redirect URL of 3rd party creative scripts; counts the click and redirects to the final destination URL; more details in section "Creative scripts" in the Configuring creatives article; will replace [countgo] soon |
[sas_smartBaseUrl] | base domain of a Equativ ad call (e. g. www5.smartadserver.com); also works with CNAMES (renders the CNAME domain if it has been registered and is showing up in the Equativ UI |
[sas_latitude] | latitude when available (SDK ad call only); format is culture invariant ( e. g. 48.856578). |
[sas_longitude] | longitude when available (SDK call only); format is culture invariant (e. g. 2.351828). |
[sas_deviceId] | Android Advertising Identifier (Android mobile devices and Android TV) or Apple IDFA (iOS devices and Apple TV) |
[sas_bundleid] | bundleId of the app |
[sas_appname] | name of the app |
[sas_deviceIdSHA1] | SHA1 hash of the unique Id |
[sas_deviceIdMD5] | MD5 hash of the unique Id |
[sas_androidIdSHA1] | SHA1 hash of the unique Id; for Android only |
[sas_androidIdMD5] | MD5 hash of the unique Id; for Android only |
[sas_mobileVendor] | vendor (manufacturer) of the phone. e.g. Samsung |
[sas_mobileModel] | model of the phone e.g. Galaxy GT9000 |
[sas_instanceCount] | number of instances per format; either the one set on format level (in the UI) or the value passed in the ad call (ps= parameter); used for VAST calls only |
[sas_instanceIndex] | current instance index; the number of the tag instance (used when calling multiple instances of a format in a OneCall) |
[sas_os] | empty, ios or android |
[sas_isAsyncCall] | boolean indicating if the call is async or not |
[sas_referrer] | encoded referrer |
[sas_referrerraw] | unencoded [sas_referrer] |
[sas_pageDomain] | encoded page domain of the page where the ad tag is integrated; the page domain is extracted from the value of the pgDomain parameter in the ad call |
[sas_pageDomainRaw] | Unencoded [sas_pageDomain] |
[sas_keywordTargeting] | keyword targeting criteria |
[sas_noCookie] | true: user is opted out for web cookie or tracking in apps false: user is not opted out |
[sas_kw|keyword] | extracts the value of the specified keyword from the keyword targeting; the keywords available are the ones returned by the [sas_keywordTargeting] macro; example: if [sas_keywordTargeting] returns $dt=0t;sex=male;age=40;car=mercedes; then: [sas_kw|age] returns 40 [sas_kw|sex] returns male [sas_kw|$dt] returns 0t |
[sas_ip] | IP address of the ad call |
[sas_isSecureConnection] | true if the call is in https false otherwise |
[sas_protocol] | https if the call is secure http otherwise |
[sas_userAgent] | user-agent provided in the ad call |
[sas_userAgent|urlEncoded] | user-agent provided in the ad call, URL encoded |
[sas_adbreak] | ad break provided in the ad call |
[sas_platform] | Id of the platform provided in the ad call (calculated from user-agent) 1 - Desktop 2 - Smartphone 4 - Tablet 8 - Connected TV 16 - Connected Device 32 - Set Top Box 64 - Game Console |
[sas_gdpr_applies] | true - if gdpr=1 is passed in the ad call false - if gdpr=0 is passed in the ad call unknown - if the gdpr= parameter is missing in the ad call |
[sas_gdpr_consent] | the value of the gdpr_consent= parameter passed in the ad call |
[sas_addtl_consent] | the value of the addtl_consent= parameter passed in the ad call (Google Additional Consent string); Example: 1~ |
[sas_sib] | returns 1 if the call is a Equativ in-app bidding call, 0 otherwise |
[sas_sib_cpm] | if the call is a Equativ in-app bidding call, returns the net paid price in network currency (or overridden currency if specified in the ad call); 0 otherwise |
[sas_sib_cpm_currency] | if the call is a Equativ in-app bidding call, returns the network currency (or overridden currency if specified in the ad call); empty string otherwise |
Macro | Description |
[sas_rtb_advertiserIdName] | advertiser Id and name, separated by a comma (",") |
[sas_rtb_advertiserId] | advertiser Id |
[sas_rtb_campaignId] | campaign Id (the field cid in the Bid object) |
[sas_rtb_creativeId] | creative Id (the field crid in the Bid object) |
[sas_rtb_dspId] | DSP Id |
[sas_rtb_dspIdName] | DSP Id and name, separated by a comma (",") |
[sas_rtb_buyerId] | buyer Id |
[sas_rtb_buyerIdName] | buyer Id and name, separated by a comma (",") |
[sas_rtb_dealId] | deal Id |
[sas_rtb_dealIdName] | deal Id and deal external id separated by a comma (","); known error: instead of external deal id, the macro should be replaced by the deal name (will be fixed soon) |
[sas_rtb_dealExternalId] | external deal Id |
[sas_rtb_clearedPricePublisherCurrency] | price paid to the publisher by the DSPs |
[sas_rtb_auctionId] | auction Id |
[sas_rtb_publisherId] | publisher Id |
[sas_rtb_bidLogTimeTicks] | timestamp of the bid request log |
[sas_rtb_environmentType] | Web (desktop), Mobile Web or App |
[sas_rtb_impressionHash] | Hash of impression key to verify integrity and source |
[sas_publisherCurrencyCode] | currency defined in the network (account) at Equativ, following the ISO 4217 standard for currency codes (e. g. EUR, USD etc.) |
Macro | Description |
[sas_transactionid] | used in Click ID based conversion tracking; is replaced by a unique click ID used to correlate conversions tracked by Equativ with those tracked by third party tracking platforms; the macro [sas_transactionid] is used as the value of the click Id parameter; the most common click id parameter names are clickid= and cid= but may be different in your specific tracking platform; the resulting key=value pair in the click URL is: clickid=[sas_transactionid] or cid=[sas_transactionid] Important note: this macro only works in the click URL field (when editing a creative) - for more details, read chapter "Setup in the Equativ UI" in the Click ID based conversion tracking article |
!function(w, d) { var ad = { imageUrl: "[sas_creativeUrl|jsonEncoded]", altText: "[sas_imageAltText|jsonEncoded]", clickUrl: "[sas_creativeClickCountPixelUrl|jsonEncoded]" } var tag = d.getElementById("[sas_tagId|jsonEncoded]") var ce = function (n) { return d.createElement(n) } var ac = function (p, c) { p.appendChild(c) } var div = ce("div") var a = ce("a") a.href = ad.clickUrl var img = ce("img") img.alt = ad.altText img.src = ad.imageUrl var p = ce("p") ac(p, d.createTextNode(ad.altText)) ac(a, img) ac(a, p) ac(div, a) ac(tag, div) }(window, document)You can apply more than one filter to the same macro (e.g. [macro|filter1|filter2]). In this case, filters will always be evaluated from left to right.
Filter name | Transformation applied |
urlEncoded | Encodes the result using URL-encoding rules |
jsonEncoded | Encodes the result using JSON string escaping rules |