
Easy Native

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Easy Native

User-added image


Most common sizes
Creative template parameters
Known issues
Release notes


Formerly named "Easy Native Ad" / "RTB+ Easy Native Ad". The "Easy native" creative template displays a native ad within the website's content as an inline element and consists of text elements and images.

Most common sizes

Most common RTB sizes of this ad format: 300x250, 300x600, 728x90, 980x90, 720x250, 300x100, 468x400, 300x300, 970x250, 980x250.


Easy native demo


Creative rotation
Responsive web design
IFrame buster
Friendly iFrame


This section applies for the direct creative template only.

Supported file formats:

  • image

Creative template parameters

NameDescriptionDefault value
Format widthSpecifies a fixed width of the ad's container in pixels. 
Format heightSpecifies a fixed height of the ad's container in pixels. 
Fixed dimensionKeeps the fixed dimension defined by the parameters format width and height (the empty space is not cropped).false
Tracking url

Make sure you add [timestamp] to the URL for cache busting.


Specifies the title. In case of RTB delivery, this value will be taken from the bid response.

Description (data)Specifies the description (data). In case of RTB delivery this value will be taken from the bid response. 
Sponsor labelSpecifies the sponsor label. Leave this field empty if you don't need it. 
Title font sizeSpecifies the font size of the title1.5em
Title colorSpecifies the color of the title#000000 (black)
Description colorSpecifies the color of the description#000000 (black)
Sponsor label colorSponsor color of the sponsor label#000000 (black)
Background colorSpecifies the background color of sponsored content#d5d5d5 (grey)
Creative feedbackShows creative feedback button.true
Selected position

Select the position of the ad

  • ad placement: display the ad where the Equativ tags are inserted. If you choose this option, leave the other positions fields empty.
  • automatic: place the ad automatically in the page content. This beta option may be helpful in case you want to deliver one insertion on many sites. If you choose this option, leave the other positions fields empty.
  • paragraph by id: specifies one or multiple id(s) of elements which contain article text. Separate them by a semicolon if needed. Equativ will try to find paragraphs inside this element.
  • paragraph by class name: specifies one or multiple class name(s) of elements which contain article text. Separate them by a semicolon if needed. Equativ will try to find paragraphs inside this element.
  • paragraph by itemprop: specifies one or multiple item prop(s) of elements which contain article text. Separate them by a semicolon if needed. Equativ will try to find paragraphs inside this element.
  • specified element by id: appends the ad inside the element with the specified id.
  • specified element by class name: appends the ad inside the element with the specified class name.
ad placement
Identifier(s)Specifies one or multiple identifier(s) of elements. Separate them by semicolon if needed. Equativ will put the ad inside it. 
Paragraph typeSpecifies the type of paragraph (p, div, ...) inside the specified article. The value of this field will not be taken into account if ad placement or automatic is selected.  p
Position in paragraphSpecifies the position of the ad in a paragraph. If you choose automatic, an algorithm will pick the best place for showing the ad. Top/bottom means the ad will be placed in the top/bottom of the specified article. To have the ad placed in a specified position, choose specified paragraph.  automatic
Specified paragraph's numberPlaces the ad after the specified paragraph, e.g. paragraph no. 3. If there are not enough paragraphs on the page, the ad will be placed after the last one. This field will be used only if you chose the specified paragraph in the Position in paragraph option.  1
Ad refresh
Activate ad refreshToggle to activate automatic ad refresh functionality (5 refreshes max)false
Viewability threshold (px %)Specifies what minimum percentage of creative must be visible to be considered for ad refresh.50
Duration (seconds)Specifies for what duration must the ad be visible (provided the tab is active for the entire duration specified) to be considered for ad refresh.30
Open in same windowChoose if the ad should open in the same window or not. The option works only with image creatives.false
RTB options (only for the RTB template)
Title max lengthMaximum length of the text in the title element.100
Image min widthSpecifies the image minimum width (in px). This value will be taken into account if there is no width defined in the bid response. 
Image min heightSpecifies the image minimum height (in px). This value will be taken into account if there is no height defined in the bid response. 
Image typeDefines the image type
  • - icon image
  • - logo image
  • 3 - large image


The Easy native ad format is located within the website's content as an inline element mixing texts and images.
It is available for web and mobile web and supports version 1.2 of the Native Ads API specification.



Known issues


Release notes

  • 12-11-2024 - Added fixed dimension option
  • 13-08-2024 - Fixed privacy label position
  • 01-07-2024 - Added support for DSA and update feedback feature
  • 01-07-2024 - Added title max length (RTB)
  • 13-03-2024 - Fixed viewability measurement
  • 15-02-2024 - Allow 10s, 15s values in the "duration" parameter in ad refresh
  • 03-01-2024
    • Removed Max-width, Title max length, Description max length parameters
    • Made Format width, Format height mandatory parameters
    • Added feedback module to the RTB version
    • Added ad refresh section to template parameters for RTB version
  • 23-10-2023 - Improved triggering click-count trackers
  • 16-10-2023 - Rectification of Template tags
  • 18-07-2023 - Added new RTB macros
  • 20-04-2023 - Added parameter Open in same window
  • 01-03-2023 - Fixed impression type metadata
  • 15-02-2021 - Support for RTB Native Ads 1.2
  • 20-04-2020 - Removed RTB parameters from click count pixel
  • 09-04-2019 - Added RTB dimensions in click url
  • 05-02-2019 - Viewability module improvements - Measures are now more accurate and more integrations are covered
  • 13-11-2018 -  Fixed for resizing image to fit in a smaller ad-container
  • 04-07-2018 - Added Image type option

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