About the audience data API integration
With the API described in this article, audience data providers can synch segments and profiles with Equativ.
About the audience data batch file integration
As an alternative to the API integration described in this article, data providers can also use Equativ's batch file integration method to sync audience data – more details
Integration process
The integration process consists in the following steps:
- sign contractual agreements with Equativ, if applicable
- Fill in Equativ’s onboarding form for audience data providers
- Consult documentation
- Set up the user synchronization — synchronize user identifiers of data providers with Equativ and host a matching table (see Audience data — user synchronization)
- Get sandbox account — your account manager at Equativ will ask you for account parameters and provide you with credentials for developing and testing your implementation of this API on Equativ’s sandbox environment
- Test on sandbox
- test out the API and construct your data synchronization application using your sandbox credentials
- perform unit testing and low-volume streaming tests only (the sandbox environment is not provisioned for high, production-level volumes)
- test token management, pushing and pulling low volumes of segments and profiles to confirm success
- perform short runs to test uploading long-running updates
- Do not push more than 1 million unique profiles or exceed profile operation rate limits!
- Validate sandbox — sync with your account manager and technical contacts at Equativ to get support and validate your sandbox testing
- Obtain production account — once validated, request your production credentials from your account manager
- Test in production
- notify your Equativ contacts about your testing strategy and volumes
- when authorized by Equativ's infrastructure team, proceed with pushing samples of your production data to production endpoints and check with your Equativ contacts on volumes and results
- Activate the integration
- notify your Equativ contacts about your sync strategy and volumes
- when authorized by Equativ's infrastructure team, proceed with moving to full production mode and pushing/activating the segments you plan to use
User synchronization
Audience data providers must synchronize their user identifiers with Equativ and host a matching table which contains the data provider's user Ids and the matching Equativ user Ids. The process is explained in
Audience data — user synchronization.
Equativ provides dedicated endpoints by region (to enable data synchronization) and by environment (production vs. sandbox).
Region | API | Environment | Endpoint |
EU | Audience data | Production | https://datasync-eu.eqtv.io/v2 |
APAC | Audience data | Production | https://datasync-apac.eqtv.io/v2 |
Americas | Audience data | Production | https://datasync-us.eqtv.io/v2 |
All | Audience data | Sandbox* | https://datasync.eqtv.st/v2 |
All | OAuth | Production | https://login.eqtv.io |
All | OAuth | Sandbox* | https://login.eqtv.io (sandbox authentication endpoint identical to production; only credentials (client_id, client_secret) and requested API target (target-entity) are different) |
* The sandbox runs on a development database. Equativ may erase sandbox data once integration tests are completed.
The most recent API version is also available at the root path of any endpoint; for instance, at this time, https://datasync.eqtv.st/ and https://datasync.eqtv.st/v2 are synonymous.
Profiles are only identified and targetable if the region from which the ad call originates matches with the production regional endpoint on which the profile was created.
Segments are available in all regions, no matter on which production regional endpoint they were created.
The audience data integration uses the Client Credential Grant flow with the authorization provider FusionAuth (see
Equativ will provide you with the
client_id and
client_secret once you are declared as a new data provider in Equativ’s system.
Parameter | Description |
client_id | the authorization ID you receive from Equativ; it is the equivalent of a user name; its value differs depending on the environment (sandbox vs. production) |
client_secret | the client secret you receive from Equativ; it is the equivalent of a password; its value differs depending on the environment (sandbox vs. production) |
grant_type | needs to be provided as is, i. e. client_credentials; it tells Equativ’s authentication provider (FusionAuth) which method of authentication to use |
POST parameters have to be in the body (using --data-raw).
You need to explicitly state the scope you require for your requests. The scope consists of:
- the target-entity
- the permissions.
Target-entity UUIDs:
- for test/sandbox: 232d959c-7786-4d47-8418-48a847c52cfa
- for production: 99d73062-ff3e-4b23-a283-ab98cdd57c22
Permissions (provided as a comma separated string with the following possible values):
- dmp_profile_read - read profiles
- dmp_profile - write/create profiles
- dmp_segment_read - read segments
- dmp_segment - write/create segments
Example request
POST /oauth2/token HTTP/2
Host: login.eqtv.io
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Example response
200 OK
"access_token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3599
The "expires_in": 3599 property in the response indicates the token’s time to live in seconds (3599 seconds = 1 hour). Once a token expires, a new token must be created. To avoid any issues due to expiry, make sure you refresh the token with a refresh interval of less than 1 hour.
Token in authorization header
Include the token in the Authorization header as follows:
GET /segmentproviders/PROVIDER_ID/segments/SEGMENT_ID HTTP/1.1
Host: datasync.eqtv.st
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN
Segment provider Id
Your Equativ account manager will provide you with the segmentProviderId, which is a unique ID to be included in each API call. With the authorization token, the segmentProviderId grants access to the segments/profiles of a specific Equativ publisher account (network) or of a specific Equativ Buyer Connect curator account. If you need to access the segments/profiles of multiple Equativ publisher accounts (networks) or of multiple Equativ Buyer Connect curator accounts, you will get a dedicated, unique segmentProviderId for each of them.
Example Segment API call with segmentProviderId in green:
GET http://datasync.eqtv.st/segmentproviders/8A254C22-0213-4059-A9BE-05D76DF01C47/segments/{id}
Example Profile API call with segmentProviderId in green:
GET http://datasync.eqtv.st/segmentproviders/8A254C22-0213-4059-A9BE-05D76DF01C47/profiles/{profileId}
Segment API
A segment represents an audience. An audience is a defined group of end-users. An end-user can be associated to one or multiple segments.
Segment API — fields
the audience data provider (partner) that synchronizes segments with Equativ publishers; more details in section “Segment provider Id” above
string max 100 characters
the segment Id, defined by the data provider
string max 250 characters
the segment name (label); campaign managers will see this name in Equativ's platform; UTF-8 encoded; max. 100 characters
the default time to live of a profile/segment relation (in minutes); value must be between 1 and 2147483647; any values outside of this range will result in the transaction being rejected; default: 43200
the creation date of the segment
the CPM price in the currency that was agreed upon during the setup of the audience data provider; this price will be invoiced to the data provider for transactions using the segment
string max 1000 characters
a human readable description of the segment that is displayed to end users in Equativ's platform
determines if the segment is active; used to disable a segment and thus remove it from targeting.
selectable | boolean | indicates if the segment is targetable or just declared as a parent segment to build the hierarchy
- 0: the segment is not targetable - it is only declared to build the hierarchy
- 1: the segment is targetable
Segment API — operations
Swagger UI provides documentation of all operations as well as a composer to build requests.
Segment API — examples
GET Segment request
GET Segment response
200 OK
"segmentProviderId": "8A254C22-0213-4059-A9BE-05D76DF01C47",
"segmentId": "segmentexample",
"name": "Segment example",
"ttl": 43200,
"creationDate": 1542639922787,
"price": 2.5,
"description": "This is my segment",
"active": true
PUT Segment request
"name": "Segment example",
"ttl": 43200,
"price": 2.5,
"description": "This is my segment",
"active": true
PUT Segment response
200 OK
"segmentProviderId": "11704d0c-48c6-4b53-b552-6e99265159d0",
"segmentId": "segmentexample",
"name": "Segment example",
"ttl": 43200,
"creationDate": 1639142515220,
"price": 0.0025,
"description": "This is my segment",
"active": true
POST Segment request
"name": "Segment example",
"ttl": 43200,
"price": 2.5,
"description": "This is my segment",
"active": true
POST Segment response
200 Created
"segmentProviderId": "11704d0c-48c6-4b53-b552-6e99265159d0",
"segmentId": "segmentexample",
"name": "Segment example",
"ttl": 43200,
"creationDate": 1639142515220,
"price": 0.0025,
"description": "This is my segment",
"active": true
Profile API
Profiles are end-users associated with segments.
Profile API — fields
the audience data provider (partner) that synchronizes segments with Equativ publishers; more details in section “Segment provider Id” above
the identifier of the user; ids are case sensitive and UTF-8 encoded; Equativ supports any id type, e. g.:
- Equativ's cookie ID (to initiate a cookie sync with Equativ, as explained in Audience data — user synchronization)
- mobile advertising ID (MAID)
- publisher provided ID
- alternative ID (extended ID); per folder, one alternative Id of one vendor can be set; if you need alternative IDs of multiple vendors, get back to Equativ’s partner integration team to get a dedicated folder for each of them
- IP address; frequently used to target Connected TVs or to match users with households; IP address formats must follow the standards; overlapping or truncated IPs will be ignored and not processed (e.g. IPv4 translated to IPv6 as ::ffff:
the list of segments linked to the profile
the segment Id linked to the profile; the expected segment Ids are the ones created by the data provider through the segment API
the date when the link between segment and profile will expire
Profiles without any update for over 14 days are deleted automatically, i. e. the profile expires.
Profile API — operations
Swagger UI provides documentation of all operations as well as a composer to build requests.
Profile API — examples
PUT Profile request
The PUT operation creates/updates the entire profile; in case of updating, the provided list will replace the previous list: all previously declared segments will be lost and the ttl of all segments will be reset to the values previously set as default for each segment.
"segments": [{
"id": "mysegment1"
}, {
"id": "mysegment2"
PUT Profile response
200 OK
POST Profile request
See section “Profile API batch requests — example" below
POST Profile response
See section “Profile API batch requests — example" below
GET Profile request
The GET operation retrieves the segments associated with a given profile.
GET Profile response
The GET Profile response contains the segments associated with the given profile, including the expiration, indicating the date/time when the association between the segment and the profile expires.
200 OK
"id": "profile123",
"segmentProviderId": "brc95dfd-c5xa-4c48-bz64-b0aqc7esb7c",
"segments": [
"expiration": ""2024-01-11T08:21:05Z",
"id": "12345"
Profile API batch requests
You can batch requests to limit bandwidth usage and accelerate treatment time using the API requests described below.
Profile API batch requests — fields
the profile Id; profile Ids are case sensitive and UTF8 encoded
the list of segments to add to the profile Id; Equativ will create the profile Id automatically if it is not yet known to Equativ
the list of segments to define for the profile Id (full refresh); Equativ will create the profile Id automatically if it is not yet known to Equativ
the list of segments to remove from the profile Id. When removeAllSegments has a value TRUE in the request, Equativ will remove all segmentIds for the associated profile Id
To be valid, an object must contain at least one of the properties segmentIdsToAdd, segmentIdsToSet or segmentIdsToRemove.
Profile API batch requests — operations
Swagger UI provides documentation of all operations as well as a composer to build requests (see:
POST /segmentproviders/{segmentProviderId}/profiles)
Profile API batch requests — example
POST Profile request
POST https://datasync.eqtv.st/segmentproviders/8A254C22-0213-4059-A9BE-05D76DF01C47/profiles
"profileId": “123456789”,
"segmentIdsToSet": [mysegmentid1,mysegmentid2]
"profileId": “987654321”,
"segmentIdsToAdd": [mysegmentid1,mysegmentid3]
"profileId": “13579753”,
"segmentIdsToRemove": [mysegmentid1,mysegmentid2]
"profileId": “264846264”,
"segmentIdsToAdd": [mysegmentid1,mysegmentid2],
"segmentIdsToRemove": [mysegmentid4]
POST Profile response
200 OK
Error response codes
HTTP status code
400 Bad Request
Returned if the requested payload was invalid.
401 Unauthorized
Returned for requests without any token or with an invalid token.
403 Forbidden
Returned if a token does not have the requested scope to execute the request.
404 Not Found
Returned in case of malformed URL, invalid format id or unknown resource.
429 Too Many Requests
Returned in case of the queue on Equativ's server being full; uploads must be slowed down or paced to mitigate the issue
500 Internal Server Error
Returned in the case of unexpected errors which might have occurred in the system.
API rate limits
If these limits are exceeded, the source IP will be banned for 5 minutes.
Per segmentProviderId, the following rate limits apply for any read or write API operation (GET, PUT, PATCH, POST).
Segment API: 1000 requests per day
Profile API: 1000 requests per second; in the case of batched requests, one batch is counted as one request
One batch request is limited to 1MB
Specific headers in the response header of each API call indicate the state of the current rate limit.
Provided headers:
X-RateLimit-Reset — the time left until the rate limit reset
X-RateLimit-Remaining — the remaining calls before reaching the limit
X-RateLimit-Limit — the maximum rate limit