
Creating advertisers and agencies

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Creating advertisers and agencies

In this article

This article explains the creation of Advertisers and Agencies. Creating these, is part of the first administration steps when you start working with Equativ. 

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Video tutorial

Watch this short instruction video to quickly learn how to create Advertisers and Agencies.



Creating an advertiser is required to be able to create campaigns and insertions.
In the context of direct campaigns, advertisers represent the brand whose ads are served on publisher websites.
In the context of programmatic monetization, the advertiser (as created in Equativ's UI) is not the actual advertiser, but you still must create one to be able to then create RTB+ campaigns/insertions.

To create an advertiser, go to Administration > Advertisers and click New.
User-added image

The following table explains each field/option on the "Create an advertiser" page:

Advertiser groupused to allow a user to access all advertisers assigned to the user's group; when creating a user/user group, the access to advertisers must be set to "All the advertisers of the user group"; read more in User management
Namethe advertiser name
Descriptiona description of the advertiser
Salespersona salesperson responsible for this advertiser; available as a filter/column in reports and dashboards and in the campaign list; note that the Salesperson defined on advertiser level is attributed to newly created campaigns only; if you change the Salesperson on advertiser level, this change will not be applied to the campaigns created previously for this advertiser
Traffic managera traffic manager responsible for the campaign management for this advertiser; available as a filter/column in reports and dashboards and in the campaign list; note that the Traffic manager defined on advertiser level is attributed to newly created campaigns only; if you change the Traffic manager on advertiser level, this change will not be applied to the campaigns created previously for this advertiser
  • select Direct Advertiser if your business relationship with this advertiser is a direct one - and/or
  • select an agency if an agency is booking campaigns on behalf of the advertiser (indirect business relationship with the advertiser) 
Addressthe business address of the advertiser
Blocklisted domain listused to prohibit the display of insertions of this advertiser on the blocklisted domains;
Important: blocklisting on the advertiser/insertion level requires activation – get back to your service contact to have it enabled!

rules for upload:
  • uploaded blocklist of domains must be a csv file
  • domains must be separated by comma, semicolon or new line
  • domains must be in format or
  • the domains must match exactly with the publisher domains where Equativ's ad tags are located (no wildcard functionality)
Additionally, you can blocklist or allowlist domains on the insertion level (see Insertions: Targeting). If the same domain is blocklisted on advertiser level and allowlisted on insertion level, the setting on advertiser level has priority, i.e. the domain will be considered as blocklisted.
ContactName / Telephone / Email of the advertiser
In-house AdIf set to "Yes", all insertions of this advertiser will be in-house insertions. You cannot change this setting once you have saved the advertiser.
In-house insertions are used to fill un-monetized inventory with ads for products, content, features of the publisher. The CPM based tech fee to be paid by the client to Equativ may be less than the one for regular insertions, depending on the contract.
Restrictions in in-house insertions:
  • only the priority levels Low and Non-guaranteed are available
  • upload of creative files in insertions (Creatives tab) is not possible; instead, you can define the path (URL) of the creative hosted on an external server; more details in Configuring creatives
Advanced > Logoupload a logo file sized max. 316*60
Advanced > Excluded sites and pagesused to hide sites and pages to make it impossible for traffic managers to select these excluded sites and pages when they create insertions for this advertiser; if you do not want to use this feature, simply ignore it and do not move any sites/pages to the "Excluded placements" section on the right side
Advanced > Optimization options optimization options applied to any insertion under this advertiser; see Creative optimization for a detailed description; the optimization settings you make on advertiser level can be modified in individual insertions later


Optionally, you can create agencies and associate them to advertisers.

User-added image
To create an agency

  • go to Administration > Agencies
  • click on New
  • fill in the fields:
    • Name
    • Description
    • Address
    • Contact (Name/Telephone/E-mail)
    • Advanced > Logo (upload of a logo file sized max. 316*60)

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