
VAST addressable TV

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VAST addressable TV


Formerly named "[Addressable TV] VAST 3.0 - LINEAR" / "[RTB+ Addressable TV] VAST 3.0". The " VAST addressable TV" creative template displays a linear VAST video ad for addressable TV advertising.
Addressable TV advertising leverages the broadband capabilities of TV devices to replace traditional TV ads shown to the entire audience by personalized TV ads targeted to relevant audiences.

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Creative template parameters

NameDescriptionDefault value
Creative ad IDID of the creative hosted by the operator 
Creative durationExpected duration of the linear creative. Available formats: "HH:MM:SS" / "HH:MM:SS.mmm". 
Multiple ads allowed in requested VAST responseA boolean value that indicates if multiple ads are allowed in the requested VAST response. If true, both ad pods and stand-alone ads are allowed. If false, only the first stand-alone ad (with no sequence values) in the requested VAST response is allowed.false
Follow additional wrappersA boolean value that indicates if subsequent wrappers after a requested VAST response are allowed. If false, any wrappers received (i.e. not an inline VAST response) are ignored. Otherwise, VAST wrappers received are accepted.true
Custom impressionsOne or multiple custom impression URL(s); separate multiple URLs by "||" 
Custom click-tracking for main creativeOne or multiple click tracking URL(s); separate multiple URLs by "||" 
Error URLA custom error URL that will be placed in the <Error> node of the VAST response 
Progress offsetAvailable formats: "HH:MM:SS" / "HH:MM:SS.mmm" / "n%”. 
Use custom VAST metrics

If true, custom URLs to track VAST metrics can be entered. Otherwise, the custom VAST metric URLs will be ignored.

Custom VAST Tracking for VAST [tracking_event]

A custom reporting URL for the VAST [tracking_event]; separate multiple URLs by "||"; see VAST 3.0 specification for the list of events


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